First beverament

Hi I’m a support worker and I recently lost one of the service users that I worked with with for around 5 years. We were quite close and I got on really well with his family. He passed away suddenly of a heart attack even though he had chronic lung and chest troubles and he also avoided covid-19. In fact he was at his best at the time and this is why I’m really struggling to come to terms with it. I have tried to stay strong throughout since it happened and everyone says how brave I’ve been. I was actually at the hospital with his mum when he took his last breath

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Hugs, it’s so hard xx

LisaJane, you are strong and the job you are doing shows that. How nice that you could be there with his mum who would need your strength. Many years ago when I started nursing we was told never to get close to patients because we would be there at the end and we had to be strong, very difficult and at 16 it felt impossible and today I know what they tried to instil in our brain.
You will find it hard to deal with and you won’t ever forget him because he is now part of you and your life. Bless you for caring about the people you look after, you are truly amazing. S xxx