First Birthday without my Love

I lost my beloved husband Ray 7weeks ago yesterday :broken_heart:
Today is my birthday and I am so bereft and heartbroken without him here
I just want to crawl into a hole and forget the day
But my wonderful sons and their families have arranged a meal out with them
I know my future will be full of firsts but …. It’s just so hard.
I miss him with every heart beat


It is so hard the things we used to look forward to are now hurtful reminders. My husband died on the 1st feb 2024, it would gave been our 53rd wedding anniversary on the 10th april, im so sad. Its my birthday on 5th may quite near too. My sons 50th birthday is this year, and im so sad we cant celebrate them together.


Hello, my husband died in January & it’s his birthday on 26th April. It’s good that you have a support network around you & it must have been difficult for you on the day. Take care, stay strong. X

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I was always worried about how to handle Anniversaries, but I knew I didn’t want to sit in a fog of tears and sadness. I’ve now decided that on each anniversary, I’ll do something challenging, and dedicate it to her, and in hopes that she would be proud of me. I’m certainly proud of myself.
So far, I’ve been out hill climbing on the day, I’ve started learning to play the flute, I’ve booked to go abseiling later this month, and next month I’m going potholing.
I can imagine her shaking her head and tutting as I do these things, but she will know I do them for her. I feel good!
She had a favourite song, and I’ll play it for her hanging on the rope during abseiling. It’s only on a kazoo, my flute playing is still far from being good enough. Maybe I’ll be the first player ever to do this, but it’s probably not good enough for the guinness book of records!


I think thats wonderful, very inspirational
I am booking small breaks away with my friend of 20 years. We’re going to Santorini in September & Amsterdam next July. She wants me to do a sky dive but I think thats a bit to much out of my comfort zone.

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Lost my tina 15.12.23 my birthday was yesterday 6.4 first with out hated it only 2 cards the one that’s missing is the one from Tina no visitors crap really today just mopping around to be honest every day the same Miss what I had miss a lot tina no more in pain 1 year in hospital leukaemia . Now I’m in pain for who Noe’s how long for broken hart broken sole life cruel


Well done @Autumnchild57 , first holidays without them are challenging, but when I realised that wherever I go, she comes with me, and I often find a lovely quiet spot and talk to her.
It’s actually very comforting.
But I don’t think I could talk to her halfway down a skydive.
It seems you have a lovely friend, they are worth their weight in gold!!