First break away

So I did it, a weekend away with some girl friends , it had its highs and lows, it was strange without my wing man. I avoid busy loud bars where I felt insecure. I walked in the sand and left foot prints, I watched the sun set and felt him beside me. It was so hard but I know he was with me in a way and so proud. Coming home was the hardest as it always is. But living our life with him always will be xxx


Well done its not easy but like you say you did it with him with you .I too have had a couple of breaks away .The first one was to Chatham to a 1940s Forces day at Chatham where my grandfather came from .As both myself and my husband were ex R.A F and several generations of my family were in the military it was an amazing experience and one that Bill would have revelled in .I was with my daughter son in law and two grandsons and throughly enjoyed it .However when I got home I felt utterly bereft I was so upset and it felt like I had literally just experienced Bills death all over again
But even though its hard coming home I shall keep going .Bill loved going away and holidays and he cant do that except by me still doing the best I can .Lots of hugs x