First christmas

Hi i just had my first christmas without my husband Andy. I dod go and see him a few days before and said bah humbug as he hated the run up to christmas and always did his shopping on christmas eve. But he loved the day. Thank god for the best of friends as i have one staying with me andcwe went to our other friend’s for the day. Which kept me going. I dont ktnow where i would be without them. Now it’s time to say sodbiff 2022 and hello to 2023.


Hi Camille58

The ‘firsts’ can be especially painful, and big occasions can feel really tough. I’m glad to hear you had friends with you for the day, it sounds like you have a good support network. I think a lot of people on the community will echo your feelings of wanting to leave 2022 behind.

Take care, Rhi