First counselling session

Hi everyone, had my first counselling session today, couldn’t get my words out properly, he said I’m stuck in the guilt/denial stage, said the usual things of nothing would of changed had I been there, I couldn’t of done anything more than I did, have to try self care, asking what activities I do, i said none, I was always with my mick so we did things together! What am I meant to do without him, I can’t even think that far ahead yet! :pensive::pensive::pensive: next one is 3 weeks


Same here, we did everything together so now a bit lost having to do it alone - so lost and so heartbroken :broken_heart:.
Hope you can say more in your second session :+1:
I had 18 counselling sessions and it really helped me especially towards mid way through receiving more input from the counsellor once she got to know more about me & my angel.
Best wishes x


@Angel1309 thankyou, I didn’t know what to say really and only had an hour, went slightly over because of me rambling on about what it should of could of, so hopefully next time I can be more calmer, hoping it helps eventually, sometimes just takes a stranger to hear what we’re saying to change how we think and feel :pensive::pensive::pensive: thankyou

You’re very welcome we are all here to share and support each other always,
so please keep on sharing :slight_smile:
I used to just let it all out when I saw my counsellor totally got everything off my chest and she was responding so kindly. Our sessions were often over-run too and every week I was looking forward to the next session as there were so many things I wanted to get off my chest. I talked about my angel so much I could have sworn the counsellor knew him so well.
I personally think it is good to let it all out to a (professional) stranger, who neither know us or our love ones so the feed back we get is the non-bias one.
Please take good care xx