First father's day

First father’s day with out my dad. Really don’t no how I’m going to cope

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Hi Alleyo,

Its my first Fathers Day tomorrow since my Dad passed away aswell. I’ve made a cake as I normally would have done for him and I’ve got a few of his favourite treats in. I’m going to go and have them with my mum tomorrow.

Hope you get through the day the best you can. Take care of yourself.

Vicky x


Its my first fathers day with my Dad too :cry::broken_heart: ive been dreading it for weeks.

Im going to the coast with my husband for a few hours as its my happy place, i just feel calm by the sea. I dont know how i’ll feel when i wake up, i just want to be able to call my Dad and hear his voice.

You’ll get through it one way or another, we are all stronger than we think. We are all here for each other.

Sending love :heart: