First holiday abroad

I’m on holiday with my 4 children in Greece. This is our first holiday abroad in 4 years and the first since my husband died last September. God knows we desperately needed to get away.

On the whole it’s lovely so far, however everything is bittersweet. I’m only here because I had some money from an insurance payout after he died. I just feel so crap that he isn’t here. It’s hard to see all the men around his age having fun in the pool with their kids. I know he’d have loved it. Life is just so crap without him.


It’s really hard there’s no getting away from that but what a huge step you took , well done you amazing girlie !! You can’t forget the other times but everyone knows that it’s awful when that other person is not there . Enjoy the minute and the funny things that happen it’s ok it will get better in your own time . These are now the new memories, just as precious as those others so keep going sweetheart it wager a little easier x


Hi, sorry for the bittersweet experience you’re having, but it’s going to be a long time of adjustment after such a momentous loss. I’m guessing that you desperately want to enjoy the holiday because you know that’s what your husband would want. That doesn’t make it easy though. Be kind to yourself, accept that life is going to be difficult even on those ‘good’ happy occasions. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions. In time it might be easier to bear because you might be able to focus on finding the joy rather than what you’ve lost. It’s hard… Best wishes xx


Thanks both. Yes it’s just weird. I guess it’s another first. Maybe in years to come it will get easier. It’s rubbish no matter where I am, so I guess it’s better to be in the sun in lovely surroundings.

I’m still having a lovely holiday, it’s just tinged with sadness.