First night alone

So tonight is the first time ive been alone in a long time must be alot of years my daughter is staying at a friends tonight cant say no because i dont want to be here alone it is something i guess i will have to try and get used to but must admit feels strange x

It will get easier I promise you.
When my Ron died I used to plan my nights well in advance so that I did not have to he home alone.Now it has gradually become a security blanket and I have learned to curl up on the setter with a blanket and a few treats and I actually find it therapeutic to watch a good film on my own.It takes time to get to this stage but you will get there. I hope you managed to cope.Just tick it off as another step in this awful journey.


Thank you not done too bad watched some tv on and off i know im not the only one and loads of you out there in the same position just never though this would be me at a young age but cant let me daughter stop going out because of me x


Hi, I am alone now for first time in 12years. I hate my own company but as my husband of 2years died suddenly just before lockdown I was plunged into it. I hope I get to embrace it but at this moment I just find it lonely. We will all get there but as everyone knows on here Time is the healer and there is no set time as everyone is different. Take care fg15. X

I know thank you x

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You are not alone all these people here will talk to you. It will ease its 3 months to the day I posed my loved one and it as gone very quickly. We had been together 53 years , and felt like some one had kicked my legs from under me . But you will never be alone stay safe and I will be thinking about you xxxx​:kissing_heart::pray:t2::bouquet:


Fg 15 I know exactly what you mean being alone is very hard to come to terms with. Rob and I always went to bed together even if one of us went out or worked a late shift the one at home would wait up . When he first passed 4 weeks ago I stayed on the sofa because I couldn’t go to bed and have to do it alone. I have to force myself now to do it as sleep isn’t for very long but I do feel the quality of sleep is somewhat better if I get into bed .

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Dear Fg15
Im now 74yrs. 73 years when my darling Anne passed away from pancreatic cancer 14months ago. In my entire life I’ve never lived on my own before. 23yrs living with my parents and 50yrs with my soul mate . Anne and I had separate beds and bedrooms in the latter years because of her other illness, lupus that made her poor body so delicate to the touch. Even on the day she passed and since then I’ve slept in her bed. It makes me feel so close to her and I sleep so well. Now Annes ashes are at my bedside the feeling of comfort has increased. When ever I get into her bed I say " Hello my sweetie pie Im just warming your bed up for you so if you visit me we can snuggle up together. "
Love and Light
Geoff x


Aww thats lovely x


So lovely. My parents are 63yrs married and neither have lived on their own so it will be so hard for them too. Just praying my Mum can get chemo. Will know tomorrow :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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