First night out

I went out tonight without a husband for the first time in 17 years.
I was scared, almost bottled it, but I had promised my widowed friend that I would go with her to see a Queen tribute band.

I am so glad I went. The band were very good, but, more importantly, I realised that life goes on, and I can, and will celebrate life. It is not the life that I expected, but it is there to be lived. For a few hours I had fun. I loved my husband absolutely, he died suddenly at the end of May this year. For a few days I thought I might die of a broken heart. For a few weeks I wished I had. It’s been a few months now. I still love him just as much, but I am still here, still standing, just as he would want me to be.
I don’t know how much time I have got left, none of us do. But I do know that I am going to make the best of it.
There will be times that I fall back into The Swamp of Grief, no doubt. Grief is not linear, one or two of the songs tonight almost broke me. But I refuse to let the Grim Reaper take not just my husband’s life, but the remainder of mine as well.
Onwards and upwards! Turns out there is joy to be had when I looked for it.


Well done you so glad you enjoyed it you deserve it,life goes on.Xxx


I am so happy for you! A night out of fun is surely a welcome reprieve. So glad you decided to go to the concert.

Good on you!

Love that you felt joy again!

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Youve done absolutely brilliantly @Willow112 , and huge credit goes to your friend.

Its still early days for you, but with your positive attitude your new life will grow into something you will be proud of.

There will still be dark times, but they get less frequent and less intense, and you’ll even be able to listen to Freddie singing “Who wants to live forever”, and join in with him whilst doing housework (I do!!)

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Hi tykey,
Yes, it was that one and ‘The show must go on’ that got me.

I do a pretty good version of “I want to break free” when I am hoovering already (without the moustache)!

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That’s exactly how I’m feeling Willow…
We have to go on, and live a full life, and find happiness and have fun because I doubt that any of us have lost a partner that wouldn’t want the very best for us, or the best we can make for ourselves.
It might be a long, uphill path with many bumps along the way but I reckon we’re all a lot stronger than we know.
To go on living life doesn’t mean we love then any less, or that we don’t miss them or we won’t wake up crying at 1:00am…and it’s definitely not easy to do!
As for Queen, a long held debate than N used to have with his mates was which album was best… A day at the races or a night at the opera?
I’m glad you had fun and took time out for yourself xx


Oh @Willow112 . I’ve now got an image in my mind of you hoovering in his outfit!!! It’s a night at the opera for me :smile:

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Freddie was hoovering in MY outfit Tykey. You have got it the wrong way round.
Between you and me, it looked better on him, apart from the moustache.

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Well done I am glad you enjoyed it, Ray was a huge queen fan as well. Now you have done it I hope you will be able to enjoy more nights out.

It’s a lovely sunny day here.
I had the choice of housework :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:,
Sadmin :hot_face:
So, I got distracted by the pretty flowers, again.
While I was out there I was doing my Freddie impersonation.
I live down a country lane, the very last house. My neighbours were at work, the postman had already been (bastard brought the sadmin), I thought I was safe. I just got to the best bit of the song and I heard a discreet little cough. It was a lost and confused pizza delivery. :flushed:

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I hope you enjoyed the pizza😂

It wasn’t my pizza, he was lost. Now he is traumatised as well.

We are the Champions is probably appropriate, when you have any moments of doubt.
When I finally saw the glim light at the end of the tunnel I sat with a flat white in a pavement cafe and started to write down how I would like my new life to be. It included new things I wanted to do, but also those things I didnt want in my life any more. (Plus a few toxic people,)
When a new idea pops up, I always stop and think if it will fit my plan.

At the moment, Im sat in a pavement cafe, having yet another flat white and sourdough toast, chatting to anyone within earshot. This fits my plan.
On the other hand I was pressurised this morning to go to a Xmas dinner with 40 other people. This didnt fit my plan, so this was a NO!!!


That song always makes my eyes leak, but for a different reason.
I was at a sports day at a school for disabled children. They all got a medal for competing, whatever their position. Some sang the words, some signed. Then they had a party, it was the best party I ever went to.
The squash was tepid, the sandwiches were squashed, the jam tarts were burned.
But, boy, was it fun.
The only bit I didn’t like was having to sweep the floor afterwards!
On a more serious note, those kids have such a lot to deal with, yet still enjoy life.
Makes you think.

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Well done willow.
My husband and I used to joke how on earth could we manage without each other having been together for over 50 years.

We both said that we would never want the one left behind to live a sad life. They had to enjoy it and make sure they and the kids were ok and happy. Thats what we each wanted never realising that he would leave me do soon and suddenly.
Its only been 7 weeks for me and i feel its been 7 weeks of hell but reading through your comments I know its what my soulmate would want and i hope to find a chink of light like you have and come out of this tunnel.
You give me hope

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I think our partners would absolutely want us to have a happy life.
It is what we would want for them if the boot was on the other foot.
My husband died of a cardiac arrest, he was fit and well as far as we knew. Didn’t drink, never smoked, no history of heart problems. It was a huge shock, almost five months ago.
But I can’t allow myself to wallow in self pity, my kids deserve better.
So, I drag myself out of bed some mornings and paint the smile on. On better days I don’t have to paint it on, and those days are getting more frequent. They will for all of us.
Wishing love and strength to everyone.


Very well done! You’ve done brilliantly.

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