First post on here

Hello. This is my first post. My husband of 48 years died last October. Today I have felt the worst since it happened. Will it get better with time? It doesn’t feel like it tonight!


I think and i hope that it will get better with time, I am only 7 weeks in but I have started having some good days, some days are dreadful too and i just tend to go with it and accept that it is part of grieving, I don’t hold back the tears ( unless I am in the middle of Sainsburys etc) I think it is better to have a weeping session or weeping day and feel so sorry for myself. The mornings when i first wake up are the worst, that second between being asleep and waking is dreadful and sometimes I will lay in bed crying and wishing and remembering but sometimes I will think no…today I am going to do something with my day, anything…it could be some gardening, some cleaning, going to town, going to the supermarket…anything to pass the time. I am lucky to have a supportive son and grandson but someday’s the loneliness is almost unbearable and I feel kind of angry that my David has left me. Chatting on here is very helpful we all feel the same kind of things that no one else can ever experience, please keep chatting on here it will…i almost guarantee will help you …sending a hug and a smile xx

Hi Blue7,

Welcome to the community and so sorry for your loss and please keep us updated on your journey.

Grief is individual and there are no timescales on it.

One of the best bits of advice I was given during bereavement counselling was imagine you are a large tree that has a big hole cut in the centre of the trunk now that tree will keep on growing but there will always be that hole.

Maybe something today opened up that hole?

Sending hugs.

Thank you for your replies. After 8 months I seem to have suddenly got worse,as though reality has only just started to kick in! Hopefully the rollercoaster will move on again soon…
I wish you a good day today.