First time posting

Hi this is my first time posting. My ex my three children’s(Age 21,15 and 11) dad died suddenly just under 4 weeks ago. Am finding it all so tough and hoping for different perspectives to help me to get through this
Thanks in advance. Suzanne

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Hi Suzanne
I’m so sorry for the loss of ur husband
I’m glad you posted on here hopefully you will find comfort through time hearing other people’s stories
To know your not going through this alone
Although you we go through berevement we can very much feel alone
But we’re here to support each other
I lost my dad last year :broken_heart: it’s heartbreaking
And lost my mum in law
I know it’s early days for you
Have you had much support
What about friends/family can you talk to them?
How is your children coping with this
Must be very difficult for you all

There sue rye counsellor on this site
Cruise berevement they’re very good
Or Samaratins you call call or email them
Take care
Big hugs❤️
Sandra x

Young minds
Counselling for children