First year without my mom

Yesterday was the day my mom went to heaven.
Such an emotional day. It dragged up all the horrible things I saw as I watched her slowly die over two weeks.
The whole day I felt numb and cried a lot. Family and friends were a great comfort with their words of support.
Today I feel emotionally drained.
I miss my mom so much. :sob:


You are being so brave for her .be gentle with yourself ,this is a journey we all must go through .heartbreaking for us as we continue on without them .I often think his strong my mum was to be keep going when she took must have felt so much pain from losing her mum .but she did it for us .here for you .you are not on your own

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I didn’t think it would still hurt this much. It’s like reliving that day over and over again.
The last two weeks of my mom’s life was awful to watch. I watched her body slowly die. I watched her calling out for her mom and dad. My mom was blind and she hallucinated. Crying out over a dog that must of been from when she was a child. The family dog they have now was in the room and she wouldn’t have it.

We knew she was blind but there were times it was like she was looking right me. I would hold her hand and told her I loved her and it was ok for us to leave us as she was in pain and she didn’t deserve that.

She died at home which is what she wanted. The carers and community nurses were supportive. Came right out when the painful was running out.

There are lots of things I wish I had said and done for her.
I hope she knows I love and miss her so so much :sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Please be kind to yourself and allow yourself time to process.

I actually still talk to my mum, she died last November. If you feel that you want to do the same then maybe try this, saying the words out loud may help you.

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