Flash backs

Hey I know I’ve briefly discussed this in the past but I’m struggling now more than ever.
I lost my partner suddenly in June and then my mum in July. My sleeps been bad since, I have flash backs and nightmares from my partners traumatic death.
We’ve recently had his inquest and since then my sleeps absolutely awful. I wake up so many times from bad dreams and then I find it really hard to settle, I get all panicky, palpitations etc. then I’m to anxious to even try to sleep again.
Has anybody ever had anything similar?
I am on the waiting list for a psychiatrist but I’m soo tired

At first I slept well, I suppose it was the sheer exhaustion, but after a visit to see the doctor to ask for help with anxiety/depression after 5 months I now find it harder. Instead of trying to help me they decided that I possibly had physical things wrong with me, so the fear of the unknown (all be it made up) and trying to cope without my Keef since February 2023 I’ve found sleeping very difficult most days. I do see a private counsellor once a week and she’s been a godsend and so am able to talk through all of the nonsense the dreadful doctor had said. However, like you I’m terrified most nights of going to sleep and have palpitations and sort of panic attacks. Keep coming on here to talk about things and if you can get some independent help go for it. Hope you start to feel better soon. Gail xx

Hi @Nlhx96 . I remember my flashbacks, recurrent nightmares, poor sleep etc etc. It’s PTSD. I had a brilliantly successful number of hypnotherapy sessions, in which I learnt that my brain had developed a bad habit. Hypnotherapy isnt like the hypnosis acts we see on stage, we just get very relaxed and the therapist can then talk to our subconcious and change the way it works, like rewiring the brain.
Extremely successful, and a very pleasant experience.

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I relate relate to what you describe. My Dad died suddenly and traumatically. I wake in the night sweating, panicking as you describe. Palpitations and flashbacks. I believe I have a form of PTSD.
A friend of mine recommended Nytol to help with sleep. Unfortunately I can’t take it due to contraindications with another medication but it could be a good temporary measure for you.
If you feel up to it, you could try and seek some trauma-specific therapy via your GP surgery. I tried going private for this but had a bad experience, it might be good to try and get a word of mouth recommendation. I’m also on the waiting list for Sue Ryder and Cruse support.
I’m so sorry for your losses, as if grief isn’t hard enough we have to cope with PTSD too.