
I would put dogs first. They don’t ask for much, love, feeding and walking and give us so much in return. I am feeling quite low today as tomorrow is my 60th and Simon should be here. One of my brothers is coming tomorrow, but I really don’t want a fuss. Selfish I know. I just want it over with. Plus I think I’m working myself into a state having an appointment at the hospital Tuesday. He passed away there. Janet x

… from the minute I got up I was feeling low, lower than some of my previous days, not sure why…I think my mind keeps getting these flashback that everything-everybody that ever meant anything to me have one by one one from my life, one day I shan’t be here either, it will be my turn…
Well at east one of my down the bottom neighbours popped in to see me-to check up on me this afternoon-evening, he was on his way back with his 2 little dogs after their walk, ( both dogs gave me kisses ) it gave me a bit the perk-up that I was needing, just to hold a conversation instead of talking to myself and Richard all the time whilst crying…


I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I spoke my neighbour today and he asked how I was coping. I said not very well at the moment so he said they will buy me a chocolate cake for my birthday. He thought I should be out celebrating. Simons dad phoned me to wish me happy birthday which I thought was lovely. He is like a father to me. I do the same and talk to Simons picture and blow him a kiss goodnight.
Janet x