For all who are hurting

Saw This today and is a reminder that all emotions are visitors.
And when they’re with you, You’re just as lovable, Just as worthy. :heart:

Sadness came to tea last night
As she’s often done before
But i didn’t let her in this time
I stopped her at the door
I’m off to meet with friends I said
Your timing isn’t right
I can’t allow your atmosphere
Its not the place tonight
But sadness would not take the hint
Her manners lack finesse
Her pace is is slow and heavy
But she kept up nonetheless
And even when i took my place
Amongst my laughing friends
She squeezed herself right in between
Her boldness never ends
And i was sure my friends would loathe
This spectre at the feast
And somehow think me lesser
For inviting such a beast
But no their warmth was undeterred
As if nothing was askew
I think perhaps they know by now
I sometimes come as two
And even sadness seems to glow
A lighter shade of gray
To think that she’s accepted
Seems to lighten up her day
So let your sad accompany you
Don’t think her hard to bear
There’s no need to face her all alone
Just pull an extra chair.

From ‘Growing Brave’ Donna ashworth


Thank you @Roo60 . Such truth in those words.

Thank you for posting this. I am in tears again today. I thought I was okay but I am not…

Just saw this. Thankyou. I’m having a really bad day but this is so true.

Of course you are having a bad day Kaytoo, You’ve just lost your husband. I am a couple of months further down the line from you and i know exactly what you are going through. You must look after yourself. Take things at the pace you want to go. I cannot say it will get easier because from where i am right now it certainly hasn’t. It going to be a roller coaster. Some days are good (as they can be) and some are bad. Feel free to message me if you need a chat. Tell me about your husband and i will tell about my wife. You never know it may help. For now just make things as simple as you can. We are all in this together.

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