Forgot for a second

Dogs really are the best friends in the world :dog::dog::heart::heart:

Big hugs to you and yours, from me and ours :dog::hugs::dog::hugs:

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Oh we had so many of the same things to deal with.
Breathing machines( bipap ) for Phil, wheelchairs, then foldable scooters, for me to lift in and out of car, 25+ medications a day, helping him wash and dress, preparing all food and drink, changing his stoma bag everyday, or more often when it leaked!
Phil often couldn’t manage stairs especially after hospital admissions. I got a baby alarm, so I could listen in on him downstairs while I was upstairs, and I set the alarm on my phone to go downstairs every 2 hours to check all was okay. We did try a stair lift after a few years, it was okay for a short while, but even using that made him out of breath.

Luckily I worked only about 10 mins away…I’d come home every lunch time to check on him, sort out his urostomy bags, give him something to eat ( that I’d prepared early morning before work) and a hot drink, and his lunch time meds, and then back to work
And in evening I’d home, help him get dressed and get ready to go out. We went to pub for an hour every night…Phil’s get out of the house, and my sit down for an hour…
And our way of living our lives
I’d get him on his scooter, and we’d trundle up the road together , Phil on his scooter, and me walking our dog, and pushing his 3 wheeler, which he needed for inside the pub. Quite a comedy act really

And then all we often got from people was ’ oh Phil looks well ’ same as when family came to visit at home and we’d done all the getting ready. Oh Phil looks really well!

No one knew what our lives were like.
No one knew what we had to do to get to that position, and how hard it was for us both.
No one understood, only US, and now theres no one else to know how my life
Was. Or understand the catastrophic change to my life.

We maybe look back now, and think how did we do that…EASY… WE DID IT BECAUSE WE LOVED THEM AND THEY LOVED US.
I wish all the time that my life was still like that. I miss so much doing all the things I did for him.
Phil was 75 when he died last August.
I’m only 57, 58 in July.
He came to me late, I’m so lucky and blessed we found each other.
He died one day before our 15th wedding anniversary.
I hate the thought of another 20+ years of my life without him​:broken_heart::broken_heart::broken_heart:

Big hugs to you :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


We were married on 14 December 2007, my husband died on 14 February 2023 and his funeral was on 14 March 2023. My Grandmother was born in 1889 and my father died in 1989. The last payment for the bereavement payment will be on 14 August 2024 my late mother’s 97th birthday. Life writes the most intriguing, strange, and painful stories. Sending lots of love and hugs.

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Thank you for sharing lovely memories.
Big hugs for you my darlin’:hugs::two_hearts: