Forgotten part of grief

Hi, your idea of a music room where you can listen to his LPs and cassettes is a wonderful idea. A place for you to be with him and share.
I found our place at the allotment. We had one each but I couldn’t bare the idea of anyone else on his plot. When he died I didn’t know if I would be able to do one of them let alone the two. Four days after his death I went to the allotments and just stood there, wanting some sort of sign that I could do this and not just walk away. A lone honey Bee landed by the side of me and as Brian worked with the bee’s and they would all have been shut away and asleep in November I knew this was him letting me know that I had to carry on. Another Bee came to me a couple of weeks later and hit me on the side of the face. Yes, that was definitely Brian. It is now our place and when I work on his plot I am just helping him out. I still have his name at the top of the plot and never call it ‘my’ plot, always ‘Brain’s’. Other members laugh and tell me he’s keeping an eye on me as he was so fussy. I feel him watching me and probably having a moan because I haven’t got a line straight or mended something and in big trouble if I don’t keep his plot in pristine condition. I cry as well but it’s my tears for him.
Enjoy your music room together.

Pat xxx


lol Pat im the same in the garden my husband too was a garden and at one stage kept bees. i am so happy for you that you have his garden and his voice to bring you comfort x