
Hi everyone how is everyone doing .this is such a difficult road we are all travelling .like you all im missing my husband terribly .life is definitely lonely without him .its only 7 weeks but feels like an eternity. How do all cope as im really struggling


Sundays are the worst day…:broken_heart:


Hi Franky56, so sorry for your loss. I can totally relate it’s painful and so lonely. All the well wishes in the world can’t change that. Knowing that life continues on for those around you i think is where the loneliness comes in. That feeling of How can anyone truly relate. Please know you are not alone, 7 weeks is very early on, you’re at the beginning of the journey. Sounds cliche but i literally go one day at a time, i personally try to keep busy, even so i have days where i cry and feel really flat. Also talking about your loved one that has been part of the therapy for me.


@Franky56 @sunnybabe23 @UnityMan

Hugs to you all :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Sundays really are the worst day. I hate them. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:


@Franky56 the only way I can cope is one day at a time. It really is a long lonely road we are all on.
I lost my partner 18 weeks ago today. Just keep hoping one day things will get easier but at the minute every day just feel an up hill struggle x


You ask how do we cope???
We are all different and deal with our own unique grief in our own unique ways.
I try to keep going in the days, which is why weekends and especially Sundays are so damn hard.
I have created a bubble for myself. I keep my husband in it , and our two dogs. It’s a very sad bubble but it’s a safe bubble. I’m 9 months 17 days in. And nothing is easier, it’s harder.
In truth some days I think I am coping, and other days I think I’m not coping at all…just pretending that I am.

I write to my husband lots too, in a journal/ diary that I keep.

Another bit of advice …don’t be afraid of being selfish… it’s your grief , no one else’s. Do what you want, see who you want, and say what you want. And don’t put any expectations on yourself. Take each day, hour by hour … Minute by minute if you need to.

Keep using this site. It really helped me.
Read when you want, and write when you want to . You can say whatever you want. We will all understand.

Hugs to us all on yet another lonely sunny Sunday :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:


Hello @Franky56 yes it is a very difficult, sad road that we are travelling on. I have also placed myself in a protective bubble of my family and a few close friends. I am due to return to work soon which I know will be a huge hurdle but one that I have to meet.
Sundays are the worst, my partner died suddenly just over 2 months ago on a Sunday.
I am very sorry for your loss, please take care x


Hi all, i have a bubble to, my home, garden, and my golden Retriever and a few close friends and family. Don’t like going outside that bubble. My hubby passed on a sunday so sundays are hard for me like so many others. These long balmy days are really tough too. Like others have said, dont look too much into the future, just baby steps and use this site, along with some good podcasts.
Love to all xx