Freud’s 1917 Essay on Mourning and Melancholia

I found this interesting.

Edwin, I knew this was from you even before I checked. Xxxxxx

Hi Edwin i had a read of this,it seems to compare the grief state of mind against the depressive mind,some similarities,however grief is classed as a normal reaction to our loss,and is not seen as abnormal,as opposed to melancholia/depression which is more of an irrational reaction to life without loss,no disrespect to Mr Freud but grief certainly makes you feel like you are going crazy,sometimes,and feels very strange the emotions and sense of unrealness,but i think i got the point so to speak,thank you Edwin that gave my poor brain a workout x

You have to bear in mind that Freud was an atheist. He felt religion was only for comfort and therefore part of the ego only. Carl Jung, originally a pupil of Freud, fell out with Freud because of his various theories on this subject and others. Yes, religion can be confusing, and not everyone goes along with it. But I have found so many friends in the church who have been so kind and helpful, but not many outside who really understand what bereavement means. Can such dynamic personalities as our loved one’s possessed just disappear with death? Can Love be overruled or extinguished when we die? If our Love is strong then nothing can quench or destroy that Love. This is what is meant by the phrase ‘I have overcome death’.
Forgiveness is so important in bereavement. I have just lost my wife and my guilt reared its head. Could I have done better? Could I have made things easier? etc. But I have to forgive myself because I am human and make mistakes. Likewise we have to forgive those around us who we think have caused us problems. True forgiveness is a balm to the soul as it relieves us of any guilt we may have.

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Hi jonathan123
I found your post interesting,i did not know Freud was an atheist,he does come across as very clinical lacking empathy and strong emotion,i am a catholic and a spiritual person,i find they sit well together,i have found i am glad to say,help and kindness from the church and the spiritualists,also people have given me kind words who i know have no religion,i think it comes down to unless this sorrow has been felt by themselves they just cannot understand,regardless of any religion they may or may not be part of.I totally believe love can never die,it is too powerful,and is the constant ongoing connection we have to our loved ones.I too felt guilt in the earlier months of my husband passing,that guilt has gone,as i forgave myself and others as time has gone on,i decided to be kinder to my higher self,my soul.x

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