Friends and events

One of my huge losses is the loss of companionship and being able to vist events or just drop in for cofffee and share experiences I have good friends but mostly married or live a good distance away wondered if anyone lives reasonably close in the north east South Shields Sunderland or if there are any groups that meet up trying to create new life

Hi @Angiepops, I wanted to share this website with you:

If you choose your area, it lists what support is available, including peer support where you can meet other people who have lost their partner.

It’s just an option you might want to explore, I hope it’s helpful.

Take care

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Hi Angiepops, following the unexpected death of my husband in February, I kept myself busy for the first month before his funeral, then spent the next month hardly seeing or talking to anyone. This made me feel so low that I decided to return to work just for the interaction with my colleagues. I changed my hours so I have every Friday off and a friend invited me to join him and some other friends for a weekly lunch out catch up. This has helped, as they all new N before I did, and we talk about him every week. I have also continued to do things we had planned and met up with friends, both married and single across the country.
It has now been just over 4 months for me, and luckily my employer helped me to get 6 sessions with a grief counsellor, it really helped to talk about N, what happened and how I feel. I am now managing to sleep most nights and have even had a couple of days when I didn’t cry.
Try contacting Cruse, or similar, in your area and see if they have a drop in group, my local one has a weekly one, which I am considering going to.

Thankyou for your kind supportive words it is bumpy road I have learnt that I have to force myself to stay in the here and now or that’s when I become so overworked but I am having good moments and have lovely friends wishing you well xx

A new Facebook group called A new chapter widows North East arrange meet ups. There’s some in Sunderland South Shields Newcastle and teeside. It’s a lovely friendly group everyone welcome.