Friends needed

Is there anyone from Hull i am looking to make new friends. Xxx

Have you thought of contacting the Online Community Manager to see if they can help you find someone near where you live.

Hiw do o do that please i am not good with all this technology stuff xx

Would this be any help to you…

They’re based at the Hull University hospital.

Hi, here is the email address for you
If that doesn’t work go to the top of the page where you will see 3 blue lines, click on there and on the right hand side you will contact us, click on there which will take you to the email address but you will have to scroll down the page a bit. I have just googled Sue Ryder and found this mobile number which may help.
0800 917 8123
I hope that has helped😀

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Awww bless you ty so much i will do that and i am really grateful. Xxx

No problem. Just message if you need to find something on this site and I will try and help you x

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Bless you do you want to move to hull and come stop with me lol xx

I’m the opposite end of the country lol. Try joining in with other conservations if you can. On one page if you scroll through it was what people did as hobbies. This forum is a lifeline for all of us


Lol well it was a good thought even it didnt happen ty so much for the help xx

Hello @jevncute,

You might find the AtALoss website helpful:

If you select your area from the drop-down, you can see what’s available locally. I know you don’t like to go too far from home but hopefully there is something close enough to you.

Are you in touch with social care at all? They may be able to help you find support. For Hull, the number for adult social care is 01482 609100 or visit

You might also want to look at Connect Well Hull. Connect Well provide a wide range of support and advice on a range of issues, including connecting you to services that:

  • help you get active and feel better;
  • make you feel more linked in with your community;
  • offer support with physical conditions or emotional difficulties; and
  • provide advice on issues like money or housing.

You can get support from them by speaking with your GP, contacting the hub on 01482 217670, or going to their website and following the booking process.

I hope these links help. Take good care,


That’s nice having message from online community manager. I really hope it helps you👍


Ty Mjg so do . Ty community support i will look into those many thanks forvyour help i really appreciate it. X

You are welcome, it’s nice to try and help people. We are all in difficulties and different circumstances


I couldn’t talk in a group Everytime I talk about mum I break up. So I try not too! almost happened recently at another group session and it’s not cool.


Have you tried one to one counselling. Sue Ryder gave me free 6 sessions by Zoom. The counsellor (an Integrative/Person Centered one) was amazing, so knowledgeable and supportive.
Love and hugs to all. Xx


How do I find that ?


You go onto the main SR page and select Grief support. If you can’t find that you could phone them and ask them to send you a link. The counselling is done online and they also you a text messaging service.
Let me know how you get on.

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Keith you just click on the little magnifying glass then type in grief support

Keith mind you I’ve just tried it again and couldn’t find it. After pressing the magnifier put things like I need counselling then press search then see what page it takes you to.