Funeral , having to let her go .

2 days until my beloved mums funeral , when i finally have to let her go . I dont know how to do it , ive had her with me everyday for my whole life , how can i not see her again . Ive visited her more than the funeral home recommended because its been over 3 weeks since she fell asleep , but it bought me peace to just sit with her , sometimes talking , sometimes not , just being in her presence despite the changes in her , she was still my mum .
How can i completely let her go , and how will i carry on afterwards when i know there will be no more visits , no more just being with her . I wonder if she knew how much i loved her .


Good morning @Tottie

I’m sorry for the loss of your mum :heart:

You never have to completely let her go. Your mum will always be part of you, she will always be in your heart. Your memories will last for a life time
. As long as you keep her memory alive, she will always be near. Your mum will be your strength, guiding through your grief and supporting you from a far.

You’ll be surprised of how strong you will be.

Keeping talking on here, everyone is supportive and truly understands the pain you are feeling.

Sending you love and hugs :hugs: xx


Hi @Tottie
Im so sorry for your loss. I dont know why the funeral home say You have been more times than you should, what a load of shit. You go as many times as you need. Hopefully after the funeral, you will still be able to get the same comfort being around her by going to her grave or being around her ashes. But she is always in your memories and for me in my dreams so she will never be truely gone

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So sorry for your loss of your mum, saying goodbye for that last time is extremely overwhelming, but it’s not goodbye forever, it’s goodbye to what you have always known and always had by your side from birth, your mum is all around you in a way we don’t quite understand yet, i hope you’re finding the strength to get through it all and if it helps at all, everyone on this forum is going through the same grief with you xx stay strong :kissing_heart:

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The love for Mum shines through your message so I’m sure she knew how much you loved her. Like you I dreaded my Mum’s funeral but I found the strength to cope with it. The period following it has been very difficult. But the love you have for a person who has passed can never be taken away and in the fullness of time the happy memories will hopefully replace the early raw grief.


I was so lucky @JRT
My mum knew how much I loved her, she was my world and I also knew how much she loved me. I was very privileged to get to say goodbye properly, albeit in a daze and not really realising that this was it xxx

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What stage are you at @JRT ? When did you lose your mum? Having this forum to talk to complete strangers about our upmost grief and feelings with such the biggest challenge in life is so comforting xx

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I lost my Mum on 5th April this year so its very recent and I have had some tough days where the grief has overwhelmed me. I moved in with her and her dog few years ago to care for her as she had Alzheimers. I also lost her dog to Cancer three weeks ago which has set me back as he was helping me with the grief. My Mum was 95 when she passed so I am grateful she had a good long life but it still hurts like mad


Thank you for sharing @JRT
It’s very raw, April, 2 months ago and then to lose the pooch :disappointed_relieved: maybe your mum wanted to take the pooch with her on her journey, i truly believe that they take someone with them, do you ? My mum died in the august last year and took my auntie and uncle with her 3 weeks later. Couldn’t make it up!
It’s early days and tough days to navigate through, here if you ever need a chat or anything xx sending love and prayers that we find the strength to get through the next few days in good form. Mum would be telling me off if I let myself completely derail xx

Thanks @VictoriaB1. Your kind message is appreciated. You maybe right about Mum wanting the dog with her - she totally adored him. When Mum was on End of Life she coulnt talk but she kept reaching upwards with both arms as though she was hugging someone. I have never been religious person but it looked like she could see someone or something that was visible only to her. So maybe there is something after death and she wanted Bruce the dog with her. I know they would both be delighted to see each other again


Aww I hope that’s the case, it’s surreal sometimes when you look back at the coincidences and I’m 100% sure it’s all mapped out for us with somewhere else on our next journey xx
Have a nice day today, I’m going to take some rose cuttings out of my aunts garden who passed away before the house is sold and plant it in my garden, hopefully I don’t bloody kill it, I’m no gardener :rofl::rofl::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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condolences to you. I lost mine some years ago. was very close. I can say the funeral is not the end of your relationship. it is an official commemoration and farewell, but I guarantee you, it is not the end. it never ends, your kinship with your mother. it is with you until you go. let it be you honoring her but know it is not the end.

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Lovely words @berit thank you for reaching out and supporting these difficult time xx wishing you well xx

Hi Katyh
Thank you for your kind words bless , im steeling myself for tomorrow , it just feels so final i think x

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Thank you loubeelou , we were so close , together everyday , it just feels like an empty feeling not having her phyiscal presence here and so final letting her go tomorrow xx

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Sending you lots of love and strength for tomorrow :revolving_hearts: x

@Tottie sending you lots of strength for tomorrow. You’ve got this