Funeral problem

My partner died on 14th of August this year and after giving up full-time work two years ago to care for my partner we had used all our savings to live off and when he passed away we literally had no money left . To cut a long story short I had no alternative but ask the council to help me pay for his funeral, previously known as a paupers funeral :astonished: now called a public health funeral. I’ve never felt so humiliated and my heart aches that things had got so bad that even a basic funeral was beyond my means. 6 weeks since he died my partners body remains in the morgue at the hospital whilst the council are searching for any blood relatives for my partner , so they can hand the responsibility of paying for his funeral to them , bear in mind we were together for 24 years and I have said from day one that my partner only had me . I’m so depressed because I can’t begin to greive properly till Ive buried my partner and I’m racked with so much guilt that his body remains in the morgue , like I’ve abandoned him , he was such a good man and deserved so much better I’ve struggling to cope with all this on top of the emotions I’m experiencing because I’ve lost him .


My heart goes out to you, this is another layer of stress that you don’t need. I’m sure you have thought of all options re finance but could you speak to the funeral directors? Maybe they could allow you to pay instalments? :heart: