Funeral tomorrow

I am sitting here dreading the day tomorrow. It is Frances funeral and I wonder if I have the strength to see the day through
I have been crying so much that I did not know I had so many tears. I loved Frances so much the pain just gets more and more, she was my life.

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Dear Carl2242,

I think you may be amazed at the strength you will somehow find inside you tomorrow.
Many people on here have posted similar feelings before a funeral and have later come back to post that they coped much better than they expected.

Your so busy on the day of the Funeral it flys past.The day after is worse everyone has gone home the phone suddenly stops .Hope all goes well for you tomorrow

Hi @Carl2242 sorry to hear about your loss please feel free to talk to me If I can help I will, stay strong tomorrow I know that sounds easier said than done when I went to my mum and sisters funeral it was such a heartbreaking experience but some how I managed to control my feelings better than I thought I would because I didn’t want them to see me in pain. Stay talking on the forum it does really help. Good luck, take care.