
Today was my husbands funeral a0nd was hoping it hit mea little bit. But it hasn’t I still can’t accept he gone and still feels like a dream how long will I feel like this ?

Dear Sandieb

I am so sorry. I hope you have someone staying with you tonight. Grief affects us all differently but you are in the very early stages of your loss. We can all relate to having the feelings of not accepting our loss and how unrealistic it all feels. As others have said on this site please just take one day at a time.

Take care. Will be thinking of you.

Hope you have rested. Try to sleep and drink.
I think it ladt for a long time, many days of thinking and flashbacks.
Unfortunately the pain you are feeling is very raw and only GOD and time can help you.
Take your time. Dont try to please people as is your life that has changed for ever.

Hi @Sandieb,

I too live in East Yorkshire - on the Humber Estuary near Sunk Island - my husband’s funeral was just over 6 months ago.

I had the same feeling then, I was living on auto pilot, doing the things that had to be done each day, unable to cry or grieve at all. I was told I was in shock.

6 months on, I feel different, the same but different. There is a hole in my life that will never be filled, but I am beginning to learn to live with that. I talked to my GPs - of course - but what has really helped me through this morass is a community mental health nurse. She talks to me every week, and if she can’t - she’s young and she has children - she sends a colleague to see me. It’s been going on since February, and it’s helped me more than words can say.

Please DM me - send a private message - if you would like to meet for a socially distanced chat. I am going into hospital tomorrow, but I should be home on Friday or Saturday.

Take care of yourself. You are not alone in your feelings.

Christie xxx

I am still waiting for my husband’s funeral but understand how you are feeling. He was only 50 and it was sudden and unexpected. I do not know how to carry on without him by my side and it all seems so unreal but this community seems very supportive with people who really, truly understand what we are going through.

Sorry spelling bad x

Hi this group is really good for support hope your husband funeral go as well as it can . I’m still in shock I think as still really doesn’t feel real sending hugs :hugs:

Thank you. Hugs back :hugs: