
My husband of 20 year’s funeral is on 20 January and I have to get his tribute written by 6 January. I don’t know where to start as it means facing up to the fact hes no longer with me.


I’m organising my mums funeral at the moment and like you I kept putting it off as it seemed real. I kept writing notes down of mums life then the words just started coming in some why it sort of helped and I got to remember the good times. It was hard writing about mums cancer as I relived it writing it down. I got the finished eulogy last week and it’s beautiful wierd how someone who never met my mum got her so perfect.

My Dad died from cancer 5 years ago ….I had the eulogy for him in my head straightaway but when its a partner its so much harder.

My partner of 4 years died in November he had lost touch with his family, finally the coroner has just located them so they are of course organising the funeral now only thing is I cannot contact them although I would love to, the coroner passed on my details and I have to hope they contact me if they don’t I have some of his things and I will be remembering him and how happy we were in my own way

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