
I went to my mum funeral on Monday 7th August. Not sure how I would deal with it all but with the support of my cousin it went really well. The day was nice and sunny, not many people there but it felt easier to deal with , with only a small group. The service was lively I had poems and music and they talked about mum it was funny in parts which also helped. We went to a local pub after for coffee and a chat . Only thing is that the days after I still feel low and tearful and wish she was here ,I know it will feel like that for a while ,but I have her birthday in September and the cold dark nights and xmas to come not sure how to deal with it all.


It’s like I wrote that …
I feel the same , feel worse after the funeral , I miss her more now . Maybe as reality has hit and feels more real .
I can’t give you advice as I am in the same place as you , but just wanted you to know you are not alone

My mother would be 76 in September and I am also panicking about Christmas .
Every year she would come to my house with my dad , walking up my path loaded with presents …
This year it will be just my dad walking up that path…
I have decided to go away this Christmas to change up the routine , maybe a log cabin in country and go for walks … this won’t take the pain away of course but just think changing up routine may help possibly .
You thought about doing something similar ? Xx

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Hi yes I think that how I feel like its real she has finally gone, she is not in the funeral home, not sure how I will feel when I have the ash’s but I wanted her with me because it’s always been the two of us. Good idea about xmas doing something different making a new memory out of a difficult time . I have to have a think about what I would like to do. Mum would have been 87 on 28th September I will celebrate it raise a glass in her name. We just have to take everyday has best we can some will be harder then others . You take care xx