
Thanks @Deb5 I live in swinton a town near to sheffield

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Raffy am having a good day, i take every day as it come. Am only 10 minutes walk from my husband grave, so i pop over and i played our song goodbye by kenny Rodgers. And talked to him, i get comfort from that.That song is so fitting to how i feel. Dont worry am sure your girls will look after you, and how great your moving near them.And now you have to start to find yourself. Its going to be hard but we can do this.take from Glennis

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Im glad you can find comfort going to see your husbands grave, when did he die ? I too had one of the songs at his funeral which was kenny rogers and Dolly parton "islands in the stream " it was a song we were going to sing karaoke at our daughters wedding but the day was so busy we didnt get time , but he managed to walk them both down the Aisle in May & August 2021, even though he was poorly .
We all have wonderful memories dont we ,and the Love we shared to hang on too in this lonely different future ,but like a lot of people on here he would of said carry on live your life , our life is not a rehearsal for the next best thing its only once so make the most of it ,I know one day we will he reunited in whatever form , wishing you peace and comfort tk carry on x

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I llke that … we can do this ! I wish i could feel like i could some days ! On the days i really feel like i cant do this :frowning: my favourite song since my husband passed is - lost without your love by bread - that completely describes how i feel … i felt mad with him today for leaving me , to face this crap life without him xx

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My husband loved dolly parton too … and he was same. Walked my daughter down the aisle in may last year but then she lost her poor dad by xmas … sad for them isnt it ? But she has lovely photos of him at least xx

Hi Deb5
Yes it so sad for them, the fact they were robbed of there futures due to in my husbands case a brain tumour ,and the girls losing there dad ,i dont think i will ever comprehend all this ,i will carry on and cope but still sit in shock thinking why ? Like us all it doesnt make sense as hard as we try and rationalise ,things , im still in disbelief, i do find comfort on this site though ,we have no choice but to carry on and live for our kids now x

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No its really just not fair is it ? Its so utterly awful and i have no idea how my life is gonna be moving forward … i think that’s what is scary isnt it the unknown? Everything was all so certain and stable before when we had them xxx

Yes ,everything was so stable and certain ,even when he was ill doing nothing he was ,always there in the background ,even the simplest thing im quite capable of doing i think o i cant do it ,its too hard ,i suppose that comes under no motivation ,im packing today and its heart wrenching ,as wr always moved together ,another tear jerker, I actually feel like shutting the curtains, getting a fleecy blanket and having a tantrum and saying ,no thats it im not moving I’ll sit here till I die as well, someone else can pick up the pieces, im done ,but I wont :woman_facepalming:x

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No you move near to your daughters … sounds good idea :wink: i keep thinking of moving away from here where he passed and everybody knows about it. I think its too quiet for me now … i think im done with it but dunno where i want to go thats the problem ? Perhaps to the moon? x

I understand ,im hoping a new area ,new faces and hopefully a chance to join some groups will be good for me & about an hour from the lake district and walking seems to help me feel more energised, though im fed up round here of walking on my own with my 15 yr old dachshund who cant do as much as he did walk wise , would you leave the area?
I feel i need to support my elder daughter whis husband is being medically discharged from the army ,he suffered a major stroke at 42 yrs old ,so there lives have changed dramatically too, so moving is the right thing x

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Oh yeh that sounds good. Did you say lake district. Love it there. My daughter having a baby in march next year. She wants it to be a boy so she has some of her dad. She lives about 40 minutes away so not too far. Yes i would leave the area if i move … xx

Raffy my husband died, 4 and half weeks ago. He had his breakfast and went off to play badminton, and had a massive heart attack and died. It is so hard to think he’s not coming back .he played tennis twice a week, and badminton twice a week. Yes love kenny Rodgers; so lovely your husband walked your girls down the Isle. Thanks for your kind words. Take care x

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