
Maybe, people here understand, life has lost any meaning,we exist , not live, go to bed, please don’t let me , wake, BUT, we done, then it’s the same , question , why, okay, I can be a touch over melodramatic, but the point is , you find the ONE, then in a heart beat, they are gone, I have gone on to much. But , I feel I can’t rest until I know, of my loved ones have found peace,
Take care. Xx


I hope you are ok. Your last message sounded very despairing. I am sure your loved one is at peace and you know they are not suffering. It is us who are left behind who are suffering but I would rather it was me than him as I think he would find it even harder to cope.

Please ring someone like the Samaritans if you find yourself really in despair. They are there to listen. I hope you are feeling a bit better today. Try and get out of the house for some fresh air. That is what I am going to do. Even in the rain. Judy

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Firstly thank you , for your concern, my emotions, are so up and down, I am okay in company, not so much when on my own. People would say I am good, maybe I am not, last 2 days , okay during the day, when son was here, nights are not good. To kind of prove the point I can’t wait to go back to work, spending today, doing some housework, just me and these walls today, if I had gone before Shell, sure she would not have coped, that’s not me trying to make like some kind of hero , I hope , but her health was just detoriating so rapidly.
Take care.

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