I get rather upset about people not wanting to talk about my late husband. I get it, whenever I mention his name I can see the “Oh no, is she going to cry” look cross their face. 17 months & 2 days on & it is still hit & miss. I can talk about him more now without crying, but there are occasions that tears are never far from the surface, the song that triggers a memory, a smell that reminds me of him, but even if I cry at the mention of his name, I don’t want people to stop mentioning it! He will forever be the biggest & best part of my life. I would still give anything to swap places with him, even join him, but I will continue to try & live the life he would want for me. I love you Eric, today, tomorrow, & forever! X


I feel the same. Some days I wonder whether N just existed in my imagination as hardly anyone ever mentions him!
If I mention him, I can see how uncomfortable people are… but tough, he did exist, I will talk about him, and if people don’t like it, that’s their lookout…
There’s nothing more certain than death and taxes… eveyone talks about taxes and yet talking about the death of a loved one is completely ignored…
Hugs to you, keep talking about Eric :heart::blue_heart:xx


@S_Diva Exactly. Our life together was everything I wanted for the rest of time, & more. I’ve found myself holding my tongue sometimes because I don’t want to make people uncomfortable, but so much of my life was intertwined with his. I’ve yet to start thinking of I & me rather than we & us! I will keep his memory alive for as long as I possibly can! Best wishes to you! X


I have visited my daughter this weekend. I am glad to be home. It was just so upsetting. He wasn’t mentioned!! I feel heartbroken. When I did get upset, I felt ignored, as if my grief couldn’t be acknowledged. I loved my time with my grandson, sad that his Grampy wasn’t there.


I am 20 days in and I don’t want anyone to talk to me about my husband and I don’t want to talk to anyone about him. He lives in me forever and my memories are the only ones that count. We had such a full life that no words can to it justice and no words can ease my mind. So, I stay silent and just say “I’m okay”, “it is surreal” and “I am fine, I need nothing at the moment”.

I texted my friends and family to let them know I am okay and just don’t want company or conversation and that if I need anything, I will reach out…


I have spent 12 weeks on my own. I thought it was time for company. It didn’t work for me.

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apart from son who lives here, no one has mentioned my husband since about a week after he died 30 months ago, plus no one has ever asked me how i feel and how i am getting on. its like neither of us existed or exist. the days are long gone when people and family ralled round when someone died


I will talk about my hubby L for as long as i like,he like your partners were a big part of our lives,we can’t stop talking about them just to please people.


Totally agree Stumpy1….
I talk about My other half all the time……and I talk to him at home when I’m by myself……I want to keep his memory alive and keep him close. It’s only two months ago I lost him….but I can’t imagine ever feeling any different. I love and miss him so much……it’s my way of trying to cope I suppose.
Do whatever you have to fellow sufferers….whatever helps get you through is fine……doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks x