General Partner Grief Discussion

@Deb5 Thank you , I think now working for the NHS is classed as just a job , I think years ago it was a vocation, you really wanted to help people . I know it’s not all the DR fault , but how much money has been spent on cancer research.and still no real cure ,OR jab to protect you from it . It makes me wonder sometimes if they want to find a cure or is there more money to be made without one . Sorry if I upset anyone with my thoughts. X

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@MemoriesOfUs my husband was booked for three chemo , but only got two .On his second appointment for chemo , his blood wasn’t right, that evening he really didn’t feel well, and that wasn’t like Chris to complain . We phoned Macmillan,like told too. But she kept saying it was because he had chemo that day . I’m ashamed to say I really lost it with her on the phone till she " took it in “that he hadn’t had chemo that day . He was told to go to our local A&E where he was kept in for almost a week . I wasn’t allowed to visit. But texted him all day and night , It wasn’t till he came home that he told me he was in ICU with sepsis. …He had six weeks of radiation ,thats what did most of the harm .he was told that after treatment finished, that they would give him " silver” cream , that would help his neck heal . But on the day he finished his radiation ,they didn’t have any in stock !!! So I had to phone round local chemists to see if they had any ,then phone our GP to send a prescription. I felt so let down by DR ,but Chris wouldn’t hear anything bad said against them , to him they were saving his life and going to make him better , so we could continue our happy life :cry:. X


@Broken2222 I’ll start with the old cliche of “I’m no expert”, because I really am not, but cancer doesn’t work in the way you might be thinking, unlike many other diseases no pathogen is entering the body and going to work. Instead cancer is caused by genetic mutations in the cells of our body, these mutations can be inherited, in the case of some breast cancers, or comes about through damage to the DNA caused by actions such as smoking, as in Lung cancer. So there’s not really any way a Jab could be developed, its our own cells and their specific DNA make up that are the root of the problem. At least that’s my understanding, I’ll be more than happy to be corrected.

I would have thought that if someone had come up with a cure for cancer there would be a lot more money to be made from it than the various treatments that are on offer now. In it’s various forms, cancer is the 2nd biggest killer worldwide after heart disease. There must be a sizeable profit in a cure for that.


@Walan , thank you for that explanation. It was just my thoughts , I’m no expert either , just a broken hearted woman trying to make sense of a senseless situation I’m now in . I’m sure you and all the other people that have lost their partners feel this way . I think I’m just angry with the world . Trying to find a way to live without my husband . Xtake carex


@Broken2222 I know where you’re coming from, we just wander down dark lanes. As you say, take care


I have been reading all of your posts and often do wonder what would of happened to my husband if he hadn’t suddenly died of a massive rear saddle pulmonary embolism. The post mortem said that my husband had kidney cancer in both kidneys which we didn’t know about. He was 53 years old and still working until the day before he died. He just previously been to the doctor’s as he was tired. I noticed a few night sweats and weight loss and he was saying that he had back pain. Feel guilty that I didn’t notice the weight loss or that he was ill until to late. I do wonder if diagnosed if my husband would still be here having immunotherapy and target therapy. So very hard.


No but the detction rate is crap too ! Not just a matter of a cure … they cant even find it half the time ! That could be improved ! My husbands specialist looked him straight in the eye and told 3 months before … its nothing sinister !!! Huh !


@Deb5 Yes I absolutely agree, and there are procedures that are coming on line that are beginning to cover that aspect, things are improving with detection. My wife was told she had sinusitis, 9 months later she was dead. Do I blame the NHS, not really, there’s good, there’s bad, they work with what they have. They’re only people after all, just like us, wondering what they would have done, with hindsight,


Taken them bloody long enough ! I think govermment have booted them up the bum tbh because i was watching a programme and they said death rates had gone up loads and all these adverts … but too late for our loved ones !! Im afraid x

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It’s a sad state of affairs, lets hope for better, who knows!

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@Walan & @Broken2222
Cancer is very complex and each cancer is very different, so there not a single fix. Having said that, cancer treatments haven’t changed much in last 30 years. There have been a lot of novel approaches and successful experiments, but never made it to market

Without getting too conspiratorial, there’s no money in a cure, a drug dealer makes his money on the comeback
HIV was a death sentence in the 80’s & 90’s - now you live a relatively normal life for 20 years - so long as you’re taking your Merc & Co antiretrovirals everyday for next 20 years.

There was promising research into stem cell transplants and JAK inhibitors for hiv that showed undetectable viral load, but still hasn’t made it to trial or market

I do think the face of medicine is going to change dramatically, particularly diagnostic medicine, with advent of AI.
Google Med Palm and Med Palm M accesses every published medical journal, peer reviewed article, medical text book, trials, diagnostic methods in existence and maps this against symptoms and blood work of a patient and will give all diagnosis possibilities in order of likelihood.
It would take a doctor two lifetimes to read all that information
Med Palm M does pattern recognition of patient MRI/CT/pet scans against millions of cloud scans to identify anomalies, again impossible for any radiologist to be able to do
These are already being rolled out in trial phases as adjunct to doctor diagnosis

CRISPR cas9 gene editing has just been approved for Sickle Cell Syndrome
This performs gene editing on a DNA level removing the mutated gene from bone marrow and then reintroducing it onto patient
Same gene editing can be done for cancer mutated genes and editing of genes to for specific cancers to invoke specific immune response to kill the cancer cells, similar to cancer vaccine used in prostrate cancer

All too little too late for us :disappointed:

And if these advancements in treatment actually make it to market and in the realms of affordability

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I don’t blame the doctors and nurses at NHS - you get good and bad and some are absolutely useless, which is a staffing and hiring failure - but for most part they’re doing best they can - overworked and just understaffed
It’s the NHS as a bloated bureaucratic system that’s failing, just with inefficiencies, bad policies and resource allocation

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@Hazel.1966 we all feel guilty to some degree and wrestle with the what it’s and if only’s
Many cancers just show little to no symptoms until it’s too late.
It’s just a terrible disease, that’s made worse by how covert it is and how unpredictable it is


@MemoriesOfUs Thank You for explaining ALL that . Oh my, you must study and research this cancer crap a lot . I’m not that clever , I often had to ask my husband what stuff ment . Let’s just hope they do find an easier / less painful way ,to cure cancer in the not so distant future . Not that it would help us now . But maybe less people would have to go through this heartbreak , of being apart from their reason for living .:heavy_heart_exclamation:XXX

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My husband wanted to come home after he did not have his initial procedure but they said he would lose his bed. So sadly he did not come home for the two hours.
Then he was in hospital for five weeks and just died in there. I guess if he had come home he may have just died at home. Looking back hindsight is a wonderful thing but he wanted to try and get better really until I will never know if he fell out of bed on purpose when he had his leg cut off and the prognosis was awful anyway.
But nothing will change it. What would he have done at home? He would not say. I suppose he wanted to sort something out. But he could not.

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Mmm … my husband did have symptoms in hindsight but they were ignored by the hospital and by him aswell tbh … until it was too late :frowning: they dont investigate properly , they just want you out of there for the beds , especially in covid or post covid times …

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@Enorac so sorry for what happened :disappointed:

Diabetes also has terrible long term effects - another disease where there’s been very little progress made in it’s treatment in decades

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@Deb5 no there’s just not enough doctors and specialists to carry the load, so short cuts and surface diagnosis’s are order of day

I guess we’re all guilty of just ignoring symptoms and putting it off

You’re right, COVID changed things and it just hasn’t gone back the to pre COVID days

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@MemoriesOfUs re: diabetes, a friend has just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. He has gone to the lead diabetes consultant in the UK and is on a diet to lose 2stone 8lb in a 12 week period, and this should kick start his body and reverse the diabetes, as long as he keeps the weight off.
They don’t know why it works, just that it does. It is hoped to be rolled out across the country once it has been formally signed off etc. Could save the NHS billions

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Type 2 diabetes is reversible I believe but type 1 is not. My best friend has been type 1 since he was 6 years old and, indeed, the long term effects are pretty horrific. He has sight problems, circulation problems leading to amputations of his big toes and also suffered a series of mini strokes followed by a major one leaving him with very limited mobility and loss of speech. Several injections every day on top of all this just to maintain his current condition and prevent it deteriorating even more. It is an awful disease.

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