Getting back to work after bereavement

Hi everyone,

I lost my Mum back in July of last year. She had been poorly for such a long time, watching her slowly deteriorate and then saying goodbye was the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced.

I gave up my job to care for her which I did for the last four years and I now feel like my purpose has gone just disappeared. I’ve been trying to get my confidence back and been applying for jobs again. It appears not many people are keen to employ someone whose been out of work for four years. I’ve now lost all of confidence and feel trapped in my grief. I know being at work would help me so much but I cant seem to get a break.

I feel completely and utterly lost, I just don’t know what to do or where to turn. I have no one I can speak to who understands.

My days are spent feeling depressed, I need a distraction. Once my children are at school I sink into such a low mood I can’t bring myself out of it, it lasts all day until I pick them up where I feel like me again.

I miss my Mum so much, I’ve read times a healer but the last 6 months have done nothing.

I’m so very fortunate im not under any financial pressure to work as my husband provides for us I just know I need this for me.

Has anyone been through similar or have any advice?

Thank you

Hi @Pixie1066,
I’m sorry for your loss. I too lost my mum nearly 6 months ago & so I understand exactly what you’re going through. I’m deep in my grief & feel lost & alone without my mum. Time is doing nothing for me, it’s just making me miss mum all the more.

What type of role are you looking for?
I honestly don’t see why when you explain to recruitment agencies or direct to companies the reason why you were out of the workforce that you wouldn’t be a good choice. It takes a lot to be a carer. Dealing with medicines, medical appointments, battling for treatment, the long hours as it’s a 24/7 job on top of the juggling required to look after your children are all valuable skills.

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