getting harder to cope with time passing

When my Sue passed I had to arrange everything my sisters helped but now I just dwell on what I have lost I think its becoming harder with the passing of time. I now realise My Sue is gone forever and there is no one who really needs me. So its all a lie time does not heal at all


@dave13 you are right time doesn’t heal it just puts distance in the grief journey. On one level i function but that is it. I have a daughter and 20mth old granddaughter so as much as i do not want to be here for me i have to be there for them. I know as a bloke i really struggle with emotions and find them really difficult to deal with, to the point it makes me physically ill, so try to avoid through distraction. Feeling you pain as i too am looking for crumbs of joy, so keep posting it does help.


@Allen2 I think you may be like me old school stiff upper lip, don’t show your hurt I still open doors for women let them on the bus first ect and I looked after my little Sue for so long but now what do I do ? Life is empty now and its too late to start again, even if I did too, my Sue is a one off. I love her so much. Take care dave Liverpool


I feel exactly the same lost my husband 5months ago and I still class myself as married
I miss him so much ,and left all his clothes in the wardrobe
So sorry for your loss ,it definitely doesn’t get any easier ,every day is a struggle ,
Take care


I know what you mean its almost 3 years since I lost my husband and I am no further forward time is really not healing me. I miss him and the life we had together now just feel so lonely :cry:

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So sorry for your loss ,
Life is a struggle without our husbands,I thought it would get easier but it definitely doesn’t
Take care

This is how i,m feeling right now as well .but we both made our sues a promise to carry on being the person they made us .plus my family friends and my daughter aderlaide are constantly making sure that i,m ok.dont feel ashamed to asked for help dave

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I hear alot saying it will get better. I lost my soul mate and best friend on the 5th March and I can’t cope with the loss the silence the loneliness that no one seems to understand


I know what you mean about the silence , from the moment I get up until I go to bed my television is on . Its not that I am watching it but its just so its not silent in the house I cant bear it .


I don’t feel safe anymore I have lost all self confidence and I am so worried about the slightest problem


I no longer feel safe. My whole foundation has gone. I do have support and call people if I need to but it’s not the same as having my best friend and partner supporting me and helping me through. Life’s suddenly very hard .


Gary56, Ali29
I feel the same lost my confidence ,and really struggling without my husband,
Just feel so lost
Take care
Big hugs

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Me too I wish we could all meet up to comfort one another nobody else knows exactly how we are feeling . Its not until it happens to you do you realise how hard every day is xx


I can relate to that .just feel so lost and hate the silence so much that i have music in the background forgot how much i like some of the country and western that sue listened to regularly .especially alan Jackson