getting the help you need

I just want to say how critical it is that this site exists.

Too often we experience not the response we need, from others.

But, we get such warm understanding from the people here.

Thank you all.


Your welcome hunni there’s alot of amazing people on here who have become my friends too and stopped me from joining my Soulmate you will get alot of support from people who are more experienced than me in my thoughts and prayers stay safe Adele x :broken_heart:

Berit, I am so very pleased you feel like this and from all at Sue Ryder and all the very special people who contribute to the site, I want to say ‘Thank You’ your words means a lot. Bless you and keep safe. S

Yes, we so often forget that a site like this has to be run with care, and what goes on behind the scenes often escapes us. But none of us would be here if we did not care. I think everyone here has that rare gift of empathy. But you can never enter into the suffering of another unless you have been there yourself. This site was a blessing to me in the beginning, and I joined before my wife died when I knew it was nearing the end. Any community is only as good as it’s members, and you are all a very brave and lovely lot. Thank you all for the support I have had and still get.
Blessings and love to all.


John, as one who answers post regularly and always with such beautiful words that show your wealth of knowledge, understanding and personal bereavement. May I personally say a very big ‘thank you’. Please take extra care and bless you for all you are doing.

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Thank you Susie. We can only do our best and we all try.
And you take care too.