Getting worse nearer to Christmas.

How do you cope with Christmas with out your husband for the first time ,the closer the day the worse i feel. Jacqui


Im the same i feel worse each day we get closer my first too i just hate this life without him x


A very challenging and emotional time, and my only way of coping in the lead up to this first Christmas is to try to avoid it as much as I can. No easy feat, with carols playing and visual reminders everywhere.

I keep thinking that in less than a week it will all be over, but then of course we have New Year’s Eve to contend with and the thought of entering 2024 without him is very painful.

Sending love, strength and hope for at least some glimmers of happiness to you, and to all of us who are finding this once happy time of year so very difficult :heart:


Ladies I have to say that it’s the same on both sides of the fence. I lost my lovely Rosie five and a half months ago so I to am facing Christmas on my own. I personally don’t like Christmas but Rosie absolutely loved the whole thing and because she wanted it that way I would go the whole nine yards. Trees, reindeer, sleigh, thousands of lights everywhere but this year I can’t bring myself to do it all because I’ll never see the joy on her face ever again, and it makes me very sad. I have been asked to go to many friends for Christmas Day but I cannot bear the thought of sitting there watching all these ‘couples’ enjoying it all and I’m the odd one out. I’m hoping that as I have made the decision to spend it on my own I’ll be able to manage my emotions better. Hey if I don’t who’s going to know. Maybe next year it will be different.
Whatever you are doing and however you manage it, just think that you have a right to grieve and this just another of those hurdles put in our way. We don’t have to clear them it’s perfectly alright to just walk round it and leave it behind. It will still be there because you can’t lose. In time you will learn how to deal with it as you go along the road called grief. My very best wishes to you all.


Can’t wait for Xmas n New Year to be over. Someone has told me today New Year New Start. For goodness sake I have been widowed for 12 weeks!! Someone else said Steve will still not be here after but I just hate all the fuss about xmas. Not been into any shops if I xan avoid it. Bought gifts in November. No family so will be lonely but hey ho!!


I totally understand your feelings . I lost the love of my life to cancer a week before Christmas in 2021 . As every day gets closer to the 25th Which I dread . I was never much of a fan of Christmas like my wife now I am finished with it for good !!

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Christmas and new year was so painful. Every day is hard when you lose someone you love. But Christmas is a time for family and being happy, something impossible to feel.
I hope you all coped through the best you could. How are you all now?