Getting worse not better

Its been almost seven weeks since my husband of 13 years passed, he was only 40 years old. I thought i was coping really well, i thought to myself "this is ok I can do this " i kept it together for my too young sons. But the last week I have struggled so much, I spend all my time in tears, just wishing he would come back, wishing for things i will never get! I We had so many years ahead, so many plans. I have absolutely no idea how to move on from this. I have so many years without him. Will this pain ever get better, people say in time it will get better, but to me it’s getting worse.

:yellow_heart: sarah x

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It will ease as time goes in and somehow we live with things how they are. I’m just coming upto 7 months and like yourself we had so many plans for the future .
We have to try to focus on the good times we had and feel very honoured we were their chosen partner and we must try to live the rest of our days as we think they would have wanted us to .
Take care and keep chatting Karen x

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Dear Sarah2601

I am so sorry for your and your children’s loss. There are no words that I can say to take the pain away - I wish there were. If you have not already done so perhaps contact your GP to see what support is available for you and your children.

Grief carries with it a full range of emotions - some we suffer all in one day. My husband was 60 when he died and we were planning our retirement so I understand what it is to see all your plans taken from you.

People on this site will listen and not judge, offering support and advice where they can.

Please get as much support for yourself and your two boys. Restrictions permitting take as much help as you possible can.

Will be thinking of you.



Thanks @Kazzer, I’m relieved to hear it does get easier. I know it will never go away, but that’s the ultimate price we pay for having found true love I guess.

Thanks for the words of comfort.
Take care
Sarah x