Getting Worse

It’s nearly 9 months now since Gail went and as much as I hoped it would get easier it is the complete opposite. I have quit my job and just try and exist day to day. I know its selfish but 46 is too early. We had so much more to look forward too.

It but that forever gorgeous xxxxxx


I’m so sorry for your loss Damot.
You’re right 46 is too young.
I don’t have any words to take away your pain, but just wanted to respond to let you know that I hear your pain and I care and that you’re not alone, even though you feel like you are.
Be kind to yourself and look after yourself.

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Understand totally & it is absolutely not selfish, it’s heartbreaking. 46 is so young and you will have had your hopes & dreams together.
Taking one day at a time is all we can do…it’s nearly 10 months for me now and I think I will forever be on this treadmill.
Take care and keep talking xx

Hello Damot75
I’m so sorry for your loss, you are so right 46 is so very young, I lost my beloved husband Steve in August he was 48, I know how you feel there was so much more life to be lived, I am am still in shock and also so very angry, do you have family around you for support? Take care of yourself x

Hi, I’m 46 and lost my partner at the age of 50 7 weeks ago today, so I completely understand the feeling of being robbed of time. I’m currently off work and can’t face the thought of returning. It’s just so difficult to comprehend and accept that they have gone isn’t it? I hope that your pain eases and you find ways to cope. Please keep reaching out if you need support. :heart:


Thank you so much for.your kind words

Hi Damot,

So sorry to hear about Gail and I have no words. My Rachel was 33 and got snatched away from me 12 days a go. I’m in a horrible place and i know I’m so lucky to have a brilliant supportive family around me but at the the moment nothing is taking the pain away. I just cry all the time and ask Rachel every morning to please give me the strength just to get out of bed.

I want to honor Rachel as much as possible and I know that she would want me to get on with my life, she was the most happy and positive person I have ever known but how can I get on with life when she isn’t here? Rachel was my life.

The one thing I’ve taken from this site and from talking to a counsellor is to take one day at a time and try not to look to far ahead, that does seem impossible but I know it’s true.


I know exactly what you mean Gail would want me to carry on with my life and be happy and I am so lucky to be blessed with an amazing family she left me with.

Thank you for your kind words and take care.


seems so many young lives tragically cut short. I lost my wife 9 months ago. She was 50 and I am 49. Her health had not been good but I never imagined she would left me so soon. Just too many thing left unaccomplished: we talked for hours every evening even after 32 years together. We were best friend she’s my only one. Now I am left alone in this cruel world and the emptiness is so unbearable…


I know exactly where you are at. Dont ever be alone though even if it is only on here please talk it had helped me


I am very lucky that Gail left me with 3 amazing daughters and a Grandson. That’s why I feel selfish at times as am so lucky but would do anything for 1 more day with her