Getting worse

Hi thank you just felt like a fish out of water but will have to do it. Some nice people today but dread it in a weeks time as long days its as though i am starting a new job. Once settled need to find something more peaceful thank youx


Please don’t leave.

Sending a big hug,

Rose x


Don’t worry Rose a certain Willow along with many others pulled me back from the brink so still here.
But still a thorn in someone’s side.
Thank you Rose.Xx


So glad you are still here.

Rose x


Hi Ron
Glad you have changed your mind.
Keep going.
I hope this has not distressed you too much.
It just shows you even people in this same hideous situation don’t understand.
Comfort to you Doreen x


Ignore them, you bring a smile to many of us and just because we are grieving doesn’t mean we are incapable of having a sense of humour or sharing a joke. Some people can’t accept that people grieving can still be positive and don’t want to be permanently stuck in misery and pain


Good morning everyone so pleased you decided to stay Ron, we all need a bit of humour in this dreaded dark journey. Hugs Jo xxx


It’s 11 months since I lost my husband. We’d been together 55 years so I can’t remember life without him and it is just so hard. I’m forcing myself to try and get on with life but it suddenly comes over me that I can see no future without him


Hello Harriet
I know you said it was your birthday so I am sending you my very best wishes.
I know it is a first without your Bill so I know it will be very hard for you.
I hope you have someone to help share your day with.
Love and hugs Doreen x


Hi @Harriet4Bill

Thinking of you on your birthday.

Dreading mine next month

Sending love and hugs :people_hugging: :hugs: :heart:
X x


Hi @Nala

Welcome to the club of broken hearts .

You’ve come to the right place.
We all understand because we are all going through it too.
All at different stages, but all ready to listen to and support each other.

I’m having a bad day today but I know everyone on here is behind me.

I hope you find some comfort here

Sending love and big hugs

Liz x x


Hello Nala
I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband.55 years is a lifetime.
Having to cope and grieve is so hard.
We can never ever ever get over such a loss and this shows how much our loved one meant to us.
I am five months in now and it is still like that horrible terrifying impossible to believe that it was happening to me.
It is like a sickening blow to the stomach every day.
To talk on here to people who have become friends is a positive thing.
Support and understanding is what we all need
every one on here myself included is appreciated and we can all say how we feel.
Sending you much love and comfort Doreen x


Hello liro
So sorry you’re having a bad day.
Something I know sets us off.
I have them as well and feel so down and depressed.
Weekends for me are bad as that is the time my husband was dying and I cover the clock on a Saturday evening do I can’t see the time.
I hope you can get a little something to day that
Might lift your spirits just a bit.
Sending love and hugs. Doreen x


Hiya Liz so sorry your having a bad day,
Why is it we seem to take one step fowardand thre back.
Hugs jo xxx


Hiya Harriet
Best wishes for today. I hope its going better then you thought it would.
Hugs jo xxx


Thank you so much Liro. It’s been a day of mixed emotions up to now. Opening cards on my own - loads of tears.
I keep thinking I’m ok and then something sets me off again.
They’re all lovely cards but all I want is my precious Bill and he’s not here :broken_heart:


Hi @Dol1 and @jevncute

I had a bad night and stupidly looked back over texts to my daughter while Roger was ill right up to the funeral.

Why do we torture ourselves like that?We’re in pain enough without going over and over what happened

And its not going to make any difference is it? Nothing is going to bring them back.

I’m just having the dreaded dip. And feeling sorry for myself.
It will pass, I’ve been here so often.

Thankyou all for caring

Liz x x


Oh @Harriet4Bill

I can only imagine the pain you must be feeling.

That’s another first I’ve got to face.

Take care, we’re all with you

Liz x x

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Hi Jo.
Loads of tears when opening cards. Couple of visitors so brave face. I think I’m ok and then some little thing will set me off again. Just miss my Bill soooooh much, as I know how much we are all missing our husbands/partners.
Love and hugs to everyone :heart::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Hi Doreen. Thank you for your wishes.
Yes it’s really difficult. I’ve had a couple of visitors so put on a brave face then loose the plot when they’ve gone.
My stepdaughter, who lives about an hour away, is working (although I did go out with her and her husband last Sunday) and my stepson is away on holiday with his family.
I don’t much care for this life we all find ourselves in. It’s so much harder and more painful than I ever imagined.
Thanks for being there :heart::people_hugging: