
How can people be so sure that there is a God when there’s so much pain and suffering in the world? So many people believe in “Gods plan” but it doesn’t make any sense to me. Youngsters who have to endure months of suffering with cancer before they die, what’s that about? I came across this by Stephen Fry and I absolutely agree with him! What are other people’s thoughts? I know it’s a sensitive subject but I really have some beef with “God” right now :rofl::broken_heart::sob:


I was determined there would be no church ceremony, no prayers, no hymns. It would have been hypocritical as neither of us was a believer. My husband had to convert from C of E to Catholicism so he could get permission to marry me - then our son had to convert back to C of E to get permission to marry his wife. Absolutely ridiculous. So we gave up on religions.

Agree with Stephen Fry! Too much unjust suffering on this world to think differently x


The one saying that I absolutely hate and makes me so angry is “God never gives you more than you can handle” what a load of tosh! If it is indeed what God is “giving” us rather than just complete randomness, luck and misfortune then why do so many people commit suicide? Obviously whatever “God” gave the poor people who felt the only way out was suicide were given more than they could handle. It’s just such an insensitive thing to say. So “God” gives children cancer because they can “handle it” WTF!

Another one is God needed a flower for his “garden” Well I needed him here more! I needed him in our garden where we spent so much time. It’s just all nonsense!

Sorry for the ranting, I think next time anyone religious knocks the door or tries stopping me in the street I’m just going to let it all out!!


Hi ,agree with you all… I was told that God only takes the best and it was at his funeral of all places so that’s why he took Pete. Unbelievable what rubbish some folks spout and just to make them sound sympathetic. Well I needed him more and always will.

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I have to disagree as I do believe in God and I don’t believe it is God who gives us cancer, heart attacks or has us murdered or anything else. All those that die is due to living on this planet. There is evil amongst people on earth and horrible diseases and suffering but not for one minute do I think that is God’s doing. Life on earth has been created and destroyed by humans. I believe God calls us home when the damage has been done already and God brings us to a home that is one of love, peace and joy.
I would give anything to have Jim back but I know wherever he is, he is now at peace.
It’s easy to hate and yes I do it too but that’s because we are human beings with emotions


I don’t believe in God either. For millennia, people have believed in unworldly beings to help them make sense of life. We now look back at the Greeks and Romans who believed in their gods as much as people today believe in theirs. One day, people will be talking about the few thousand years when people followed Jesus or whoever. It is a coping mechanism. And to be fair, if it gives you comfort, go for it. Just don’t try to convince me that your invisible friend is real. I am more inclined to believe in reincarnation and that souls continue on and on. I loved someone very much and he has died. I feel bereft. I want to hope that his soul is out there somewhere and I’ll see him again. But as with ‘God’, none of us will know until it is our time. How can I feel this much pain and for it to be ‘a lesson’? A lesson for what? How to cry? Well I think I’ve learned that one…


I feel exactly the same. I loved him immensely, he’s the only man I’ve ever loved and and I only hope he’s out there somewhere but like you say we won’t know until it’s our time. I only wish there was a way to induce a NDE so I could see for myself, it’s a crazy thing to think of but grief puts some strange thoughts in your head. Yes if grief and loss are our lessons then I’ve already sat through that class enough. This one is the hardest one of all though, I knew I’d move on with life after the others but this one is something else and I don’t even want to move on with life tbh.


I know exactly what you mean. I’ve had moments of ‘please don’t let me wake up’ but then the family I leave behind will feel the way I do now! I have accepted I still have a life to live and things to experience, but I wanted to do them with him. And this site is amazing. We all feel the same. We all can’t believe what has happened and that they’ve left us. Trying to tell myself that when we do meet again, I’ll have so many stories to tell him and he will say, ‘I know. I was with you’. That is what is keeping me going. Our souls are so full of life and love. We have all felt such a connection. I won’t believe that we won’t meet again.


I am a Catholic, and sadly I also have to agree.
Is there is really a Heaven and Hell?
This feels like Hell that I I am living in now.


Hi , i lost my sister and mum to cancer and felt the same. They both endured so much suffering i just couldnt go down any religious path. 8 weeks ago my beautiful fiance, the love of my life, my soulmate took his life by suicide. I have been looking into near death experiences and it has given me so much comfort that our souls, our consciousness exists after we die and we reunite with god and our loved ones when we pass. I look up Sam Parnia, Bruce Greyson and Eban Alexander. All medical professionals that study NDEs and its remarkable. I dont feel like living any more, im not living , i am existing. The pain is unbearable. Im so sorry for all of you are suffering this devastation of loss too.


l believe in God, but l question His motives. Its said that lm going through this heartbreaking trial for He has a purpose for my life (whats left of it). My purpose as l see ít was 51 years of loving my husband, now that purpose has been taken from me what purpose is left for me? lm a housebound cripple, on my own, with just brick walls to talk to 24/7. My hell is here & now. Had a tsunami day yesterday which made me question God’s purpose for me, l just wish He would let me know so l can have a spark of hope, if not, what is there to look forward to?


Oh I’m so sorry, I can’t even imagine how hard it must be for you :broken_heart:

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