Going away

I have just had a lovely couple of days away with my daughter. First time I’d been away from home for 3 years, when my husband became ill, then too poorly to travel. He died 8 months ago.
I came home to find electric had tripped out, so will now have to dispose of food in freezer. No one else in neighbourhood lost power, so strange it happened when I was away.
Now today my garage door isn’t working, and I’m sitting here crying and feeling sorry for myself. Supposed to be going away for a week next month, but feeling anxious about it now.
It’s good to be away, but not so good to coming home to an empty house. Feeling lonely and unlikely to see anybody over the next few days. No motivation to do anything other than read and watch TV.
Sorry for rant. Will get through the Bank Holiday weekend somehow. Hoping for a better week afterwards.
Love to all


I’m so sorry that you had all that to deal with after a lovely time with your daughter and if you can’t rant here with us then where?

Love and hugs



Thank you Nigel
I’m just not used to sorting out anything electrical as my husband always took care of anything that went wrong in the house!
It just so happens that my son is away at the moment too, as he always helps me out. I am lucky that I have good neighbours too, who are willing to assist me if I get really stuck.
Hope you have someone to support you.


Hi @AnneC.

What a bummer for you.

That is bad luck that this happened on your first trip away from home since your bereavement and it’s very understandable that it makes you feel nervous about your next trip.

Don’t let it put you off though.

It’s all a learning and adjustment process and we learn more from the stuff that doesn’t go to plan than from the stuff that does - though it doesn’t feel like it at the time!

I think also, when you’ve been away and had company , more or less 24/7 , it does take a period of adjustment when you get back home and have to revert to solo living again. It sort of reinforces the fact that you are on your own - and that’s when you come home to find everything just as you left it.
Add a defrosted freezer in to the mix and you are more than entitled to have a weep.

Hope you manage to get your garage door fixed and have a lovely break next month.


Thank you Wingingit for your encouraging words.