Going back to work

I’m due to go back to work on Monday been off since 15th April not sure if I’m ready hate letting them down worked there 30 year’s so they know all the previous hardships I’ve had have never ever been off more than 4 weeks in the 30 years I’ve worked there i only work 2 days a week but am still unsure had a not bad day yday but bank hol was horrendous what does everyone think

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Hi I think that you have not been off very long, if you need more time I am sure they will understand. The bank holiday was horrendous.
Some people find the return to routine helpful, I tried and couldn’t do it the first time, I went back yesterday and I managed to get through the day but I am very glad I am not in today as I have a phased return back for two weeks, maybe you could do that?
you need tp go at your own pace

I did a few days back at work last week after losing my husband at the end of March.
Some days it was good to be busy and doing something normal where I wasn’t crying. Some days it was overwhelming and I had to leave.
Some days I felt angry because everything at work was going on as normal and yet my world had stopped.
The first day is the worst day because it involves a lot of people wanting to tell you that they’re sorry. And that’s okay. It’s better than people not talking to you or not telling you or not meeting your eye - well For me at least. It might be a good idea to warn people in advance what you do or don’t want.
Most workplaces will do a phased return.

I did a phased return and most days I would take a nap after work. The first day was the hardest, I had first day jitters. It is nice to be back as it gives distraction but the loss/ sadness / pain will still be there. Which makes it hard. Take it easy, be kind to yourself :heart:

I feel the same been in the same worked in the same place for 32 years in June, they have seen me with a battered face from my ex husband, have a baby, have a miscarriage, my Dad die had to speed off to Liverpool. surprise them when I got married to Nick, last year my son suffered a collapsed lung, but through it all I would just be off for a few days, my last shift I worked was April 12th, back on June 10th, going to do phased return to work, 3 days to start with , no late shifts on my own, and no “duty manager” shifts, not yet I really couldn’t be in charge of people! My first aid is due to be renewed soon, and I really don’t think I can do the class, I will freak out when then bring out Annie the doll to do CPR on, I also do defib training, I know as a duty manager they like me to have this, but I just can’t do it, due to be renewed in August! I am just speaking out how I feel to the manager we walk and we talk. They all think because I have been there so long I am missing the place! TBH I am not, and I wasn’t when Nick was alive because when I was there I wasn’t with him!