Going out

Going out with my son for a walk to the place we went as a family and while I’m out everything feels ok and normal and then i come back and just break down knowing my husband isn’t with us knowing we have to do a new life without him :broken_heart: i don’t want a new life i want the life i had with me my husband and our son. I’m just so broken :broken_heart:


Hey Judy, so sorry for your loss and for how you’re feeling right now. You will have days like these, there’s no denying that. But, there will come a time when the good days outweigh the bad days. Doesn’t mean you will ever forget your hubby, just means that you’re living better with the grief.


It is so hard when we have such pain and heartbreak. Every day feels unbearable and our loved one is in our thoughts continually, just adding to our distress.
Sadly we can’t go back in time, we have to try at the moment to just get through each day. Hour by hour if needed. Try find some distraction that gives you a break from the pain. Be kind to yourself and lean on those you have for support
It gets easier in time I’ve been told. This bit of the journey though is hell, so do whatever helps - keep posting here as theee are lots of others who understand and can offer some kindness and support.
Sending some love and strength xx

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Morning paul and it’s so difficult going out without my hubby and specially places we have gone together as a family. Going out is good for me and our son but then coming home i feel so lost and empty :confused: also it will be our 5th anniversary on Saturday and we should be out doing something together. Hope your day is going ok.

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