Going to loss my husband soon

Hi every1 not been on in a while been spending quality time with my Husband as in septeber he was give the devestating new he has only 3 months to live. My husband has made it through christmas and new year but not sure how long he has left as he has past doctors expectations so every day is a blessing. I am scared whats to come bext as he gets wraker i am scared of been aloan… i am scared as we have no money for funeral and will loss his benfits when he goes


I’m so sorry to read this, I lost my husband in November we were told days it was 2 weeks I had him for.
I’m sure you have been but make as many memories as you can and do everything you want to do so you don’t have any regrets.

My husband was in a hospice but I stayed with him 24/7 even my children stayed over sometimes. Sonu have no regrets as I know I was there for him throughout when he needed me the most.

Regarding finances I’m sure you will be entitled to some help, you will be entitled to bereavement allowance you can apply online or on the phone if your husband has PIP. Mine was sorted in a week it’s one lump payment then payments every month for 18 months.

I know it’s easier said than done but try not to worry about all that at the moment just spend time with your husband. The rest will sort itself out.

Thinking of you xx

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