Good Day got ruined

I went with my son and grandson to Armed Forces Day, we had a lovely time although some parts of the day were still sad and i had to fight back the tears. Like when the soldiers paraded past ( David was ex army), when the air show was in full force (David loved to see loud fast jets) and when we watched the firework display as David loved those too. But mostly we had a nice day and i felt almost normal. We got home then there was a knock at my door, a neighbour reported to me that my car windscreen had been egged ! She saud it had happened to their car a few weeks ago and they think it is because they parked infront of a certain someones house. Ours is a terraced street and you have to park where you can, no one has their own space. I was so so upset as it brought home how alone i am and how vulnerable. David would have dealt with it and reassured me, instead i am frightened and worried. I have lived here since 2007 and always felt safe, this has really shaken me. One good thing is that i have now made freinds with another neighbour in my street, he actually rinsed my car down for me…how kind.


Hi @penny6 ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,


@penny6 hey Penny, dont let some idiots spoil your day. They cant take away your nice memories you have with David or the ones you got today with your family. The eggs can be rinsed and wiped away, the smiles you got today won’t be.
I’m ex Army too, so I’m glad you went out and thought of David too. He will be smiling down on you today.


Thank you Paul i have been quite down today but my son said the same as you…dont let them win and you are right the nice memories will stay with me. :smirk:


Some people truly are awful aren’t they.
Good you have made a new friend with your neighbour - don’t let it ruin your good day.
You’ve done so well to manage and your David would be so proud of you I’m sure

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