Good Grief Festival 30 Oct - 1 Nov is Online now

I am posting this link because it may be of interest to many of you who are dealing with grief:

Good Grief was originally planned as a week-long festival in Bristol to help people talk, think and learn about grief. But then…Covid-19 hit and it became clear that live, large-scale events won’t be possible for some time.

Since then, the organisers have been working hard to bring Good Grief Festival online as a global virtual event, taking place from October 30th to November 1st at a studio in the UK, reaching thousands of people all over the world.

They deeply believe that a festival exploring grief is more important than ever before. They have been working on a diverse programme of free events including talks, workshops, cultural events, wellbeing and more.

Funded by the Wellcome Trust, Good Grief is a collaboration between the University of Bristol and national charities and bereavement services.

Their programme of 70 events is now live. Watching it is free, you just need to register. If you want to watch it at a later date, you have the option of paying £ 20 (I have just done that) and you will have access to all the talks and workshops for 3 year.
