Good morning

Good morning, thank you for the welcome to this forum. Friday was a messy day for me. With lifes ups and downs I found myself in tears at an appointment. A very kind lady gave me kleenex (other tissues are available!) There is always that heavy feeling that life is different. Sometimes it’s at the back of your mind, sometimes it is overwhelming and energy sapping. We lost my dad in November and I am blessed beyond belief that me, mum, my brother and sister are close and talk. It’s a different journey for all of us. We are all taking baby steps at different times. Other family move on with their lives, it’s not a burden for them to carry so keenly. I think I just want to say that kindness from strangers is so comforting. People are inherently good. I don’t advertise the fact I am missing my dad (except here) but I haven’t shied away from mentioning this event if needed. Today is an empty day. The sun rose, it will set later and another day will have passed. I hope all you people out there are shown kindness, I hope you find a little peace today. I really hope a memory makes you smile. And if today is unbearable and awful I pray the feeling subsides you aren’t alone. xxxx


Good afternoon now @PippaD - thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. I’m really glad to see you’ve been receiving and giving support on the community. I hope the rest of your day is kind to you :blue_heart:

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