
How did past generations cope? No internet, no television, no counselling, nobody had a car. No pension or social security benefits, so no choice but to carry on working.
It doesn’t bear thinking about. I can’t begin to imagine how hard it must have been with no support whatsoever.
I am so grateful this site exists. It has pulled me out from under the waves many times.
Thank you. Xx

I think, for a start they lived much shorter lives and didn’t expect to get much past retirement, if that. They also had much harder lifestyles, no mod cons, an uncomfortable home (no central heating, lino floors) and had to put a lot of effort into even preparing and cooking a meal and cleaning the home. Everything took a lot longer to do so they were constantly busy. Families lived in the same towns and their lives were intertwined, so there was always someone to hand to lend support.
We have too much time on our hands, although everyone says they are too busy for whatever. We’re all living too long, I’m sorry to say.


Maybe keeping busy is the way through this. Both my grandmothers were widowed in their forties, both lived until their eighties. They had to get jobs to survive as there were no state pensions in those days. As you say, as well as holding down jobs, they had no mod cons, cooking and cleaning, catching buses or walking all took up time. No supermarkets, so visits to individual shops must have taken all day.
I think you are right, too much time on our hands!

Sorry, I shouldn’t have put that last sentence in, it has nothing to do with it, it’s just how I’m feeling.

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Aww, I am sorry to hear that.
Hugs xx

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I got the Grant of Probate today and spent all day deleting him from bank accounts. I felt really sorry for myself at having to do it. Then I realised that I should be grateful that the accounts exist. I shouldn’t grumble, many people are left absolutely destitute. That is what made me think about how it must have been for my grandmothers, and many people even in this day and age.
Life seems unbearable, and many of us have wished for a speedy conclusion, I know I have. But for many in the past, and indeed many in less fortunate circumstances now, we have choices and opportunities. Losing the person you love is and always was devastating. I would happily settle for no mod cons and no bank accounts to have him back again. Xx