Great expectations ?

Honestly John the behaviour of relatives and even friends have shocked me since joining this forum. I thought initially that it was only me and I had done something to upset these people. I have also changed the will and now I don’t give a toss about any of them and value the people that have been there for me.
I have never been on facebook as I think it is horrendous and hope that my name hasn’t cropped up but I will never know, so best leave it that way.

Pat, it does upset me that the support from anyone but my step-daughter is non existent. Don’t think that you have upset anyone, it’s not you. I think anyone who has not experienced this traumatic and life changing event is scared of saying something wrong, because they just don’t understand what it’s like and how deeply it affects us. Take care and stay strong. I am always here if you need to talk. John x

Talking this over with a good friend last night - my
voice of reason friend - she asked me to think of what peoples interactions were before and after I lost hubby.
This made sense – i’d obviously expected too much from “friends” and family. (I even checked the door bell was still working at one point. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)
I think we can all relate to this in some way.
Take care

I agree G
We had seen little of my husbands daughters for a few years before he died but I expected us to grieve together and be in touch. Obviously this wasn’t what they wanted and I have begun to think did I behave any differently before I lost my husband, was I a support to family and friends or was I trying to keep away from it all. However I have made some good friends locally since losing Brian so all was not lost plus I have learned to live without the support of people that I had expected it from.

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