Great start to the day

What a great start to the day. I went through my hallway door at 06:00 this morning to unlock front door ready for my carers and closed it behind me. When carer arrived it would not open so cannot get to front door. I have a side door I can get to and my carers came in. Called neighbours who came and took latch off. Still no luck. Locksmith coming at 10:30. Seems reputable. Thinks he can fix it in 30 mins. He charges £35 for half hour and £80 an hour. Of course this has set me off again. Any small problem didn’t used to have this effect. Why do these things happen when we are vulnerable and alone? Hasn’t god punished us enough?


I know exactly what you mean. Not long ago I couldn’t find the key to unlock the outhouse where all of the tools are kept and so I ended up calling a locksmith who charged me about £100! The ridiculous thing is I then found the original key about a week later!! My front garden is a mess because I’m supposed to be having it turned into a drive but it just looks like a building site now because they can’t come and do any of the work until it stops raining!! It’s these seemingly “simple” things that seem to mess me up these days and I definitely spend far too long thinking about them. Hope your locksmith manages to sort things out for you. xx

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Hi @Pudding @Guineapig65
Sorry to here your start to today.
Hope it gets getter later.
Yes it just seems to be one step forward 2 steps back. The continued rain doesnt help although i know i should try to do a bit more around house dont have the motivation anymore. Garden needs a tidy up but too cold and wet and getting hold of gardener seems like gold dust !!
Anyway it will still need sorted in spring so maybe leave till then.
Not a great weekend saw no one do was a bit down. Hopefully today i can get out later for walk and coffee when i get a break in the rain !
Take care x


Hi @Galaxy75 . At least not raining yet. I can find a gardener but not one that comes back. My garden also needs a good tidy. Only good news is I have lost another 2lb which as I am morbidly obese is a good thing. Now lost 2 st.


Hi @Pudding
Not really the way we wanted to loose weight. Ive lost 1.5 stones. Nothing seems to fit anymore dont want to lose more need to make effort to start eating again.
Did make soup and stew ar weekend then froze still its a start.
Take care
Lynne x


I actually cooked a steak last night and ate it. Cooked it the way I like it as well. As this is only the second time I have cooked a steak think I did ok. My husband was the cook. Door now free. Had to drill out the lock which on this type of door he has never had to do before. A real bugger as they say. Just fitting a new one now.


There are good people in this world. Locksmith came and the lock had snapped in a weird place so had to drill out the lock. Here for 1.5 hrs. Charged me for 0.5 hrs plus £5 for latch. He said he had never come across this before in this type of latch.


Pudding what a horrible start to your day, but a kindness from the locksmith hopefully helped a bit.

It’s always one step forward 2 steps back isn’t it.

Take care

I did at least pay him by bank transfer so he dudnt get hit with the credit card charge. He is now also likely to get some work from my neighbour.

It gives you back some faith in humanity.

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Although not helpful in this instance,to avoid being locked out through loss of a key, place a spare key in an empty one pint milk carton and bury it in a secret place in the garden at a shallow depth.Getting your hands dirty is a lot cheaper than using a Locksmith.


This was an internal door. The latch snapped with the door shut. Between rest of house and front door. Better than this get a key safe. I have one and it has been useful. My riser recliner got stuck in the up position with me in it and the doors locked. The neighbours used it to rescue me.

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Hi @Pudding
At least sorted for now.
Hope you have a nice afternoon/night to recover.
Lynne x

@Galaxy75 . Yes much more settled this afternoon. Behind on everything I meant to do today but nothing that can’t wait. Hope you have a reasonable afternoon and night too Lynne. Xx

You are so right @Pudding . I’m sure we are been tormented by these never before events . I couldn’t get into the garage . I was going to call a locksmith but my neighbours broke the lock on the side door and replaced it so now I can get in . My main fridge is there .it’s endless the things that go wrong but I am coping better than I thought x

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