Grief and getting used to living alone

Afternoon everybody, New to this site. Recently lost my husband of almost 40 years. I’ve never lived alone and I hate it.
I break down often, especially when things go wrong and I don’t know what to do.
I have a son who lives locally. But he has his own family. I see them often, but it’s coming home to an empty house.
Sitting here every evening in silence. I go to bed early most nights to avoid it.
I’m slightly disabled, using crutches. So not very mobile.


I’m the same,never lived on my own before.Peter died last May after 38 years together.I don’t think I will ever get used to it I’m constantly worried something will go wrong I can’t deal with I don’t have kids or close family it’s a scary place to be.Besides missing him terribly.


Yeh im totally with you there @LyndaK and @WelshHeather it really is awful this lonely life isnt it … i hate every minute of it and im same never lived alone either … came from a big family , had 3 kids but they are grown up now with families of their own and they dont live that near me either ! Its just awful … i just want to find some happiness … i know my husband wouldnt want me to be sad and to enjoy life but its so hard to achieve isnt it ? It was easy when he was here but thats because he was here with me every step of the way. Come rain or shine xx


I am the same never lived on my own when wife passed away it just took the life out of me just no reason to go on


I guess it’s easy for me than you ,being an only child and not having kids I’m used to been quiet and can amuse myself.However I miss Peter terribly I don’t think I will ever get used to life without him he was my world.


Lyndak all my kids have all married left home so we both on same boat just hope we both find better things whatever it me


I’m the same - we were married for 40 years, his death was sudden and unexpected. I use two crutches because I have got MS and it really gets me down on top of the awfulness of losing my darling husband. I am so jealous when people say they have been for a walk, or walked the dog - don’t get me wrong, I’m glad for them in the sense that it helps with the grieving process but I just wish I could do the same. Thankfully I can drive in fact I drove over to a park that we used to go to sometimes, me hobbling along on my crutches but I couldn’t get out of the car for crying, I quickly realised it was a terrible idea and drove home.


Aw … you go out in the car and just drive around to a nice beauty spot or something ? Bless you. Just does you good to get out of house doesnt it ? Xx


@Deb5 well the park is near to the shop I needed to go to in all honesty. I’m lucky enough to have very supportive friends and family so I get out of the house every day I couldn’t stand staying in all day!


Not nice living alone is it , for me cope ok for few days then hit a wall find myself in bits , I’m fortunate to have both my sons close by I’m 61 with no health issues so able to get out when needed that helps :heart:


No its pretty rubbish isnt it … i hate it … good job i have some nice friends. My kids dont live nearby and frankly they been flipping awful since their dad passed away :frowning: x


Have they that’s difficult for you , glad you have good friends , I’m also lucky to have fantastic friends :heart:


So sorry for your loss. I’ve never lived alone either, and have no family. It’s so scary when things go wrong (and I’ve had a ton of those since my partner died). I put the tv on in the evening, just for the background sound, which does help a bit.


Catrin1 me the same house so quiet boys all grown up have own married live the pain unbearable


@Gibbo literally just thinking this right now. I have had lots of visitors this week but my God the weekends are a trial! It’s so quiet and there’s only so much radio you can listen to. I agree the pain is unbearable.